Avon Reptile and Amphibian Group (ARAG)
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About us

About Us

ARAG was first set up in 1995 and has become firmly established since 2006. It seeks to promote reptile and amphibian conservation throughout the counties of Bristol, South Glos, Bath & North East Somerset and North Somerset. It aims to improve the knowledge of the distribution of our native herpetofauna, educate the public and increase the awareness of the challenges faced by this group of animals.

ARAG is committed to achieving these aims through surveys, undertaking practical conservation projects, and assisting with local toad patrols. 

If you are keen to join the group and participate in activities then please complete the joining slip and email this to info@arag.org.uk


You can also join our Facebook group by clicking on this link - https://www.facebook.com/groups/AvonRAG/
Please note that simply joining the Facebook group will not give you membership to the full group. For this you will need to complete the joining slip and email this to info@arag.org.uk   

If you are visiting this site having seen a media clip or press release about toad patrols then hopefully we can help point you in the right direction. Please click on the Toad Patrols tab above.



Work-based Volunteer Day with ARAG

Posted on Thursday 26th September, 2024

In August ARAG were joined by staff from a local financial services company for a day of reptile surveying & habitat improvement work to the south of Bristol. The volunteers made use of an employer scheme offering employees a paid day of volunteering for a local charity or community group.

The volunteers were first shown how to actively search for reptiles in grassland habitats before moving on to help with structured transect surveys. It was a very hot day meaning that the only adder of the day was seen out in the open at the first site. Common lizards were active for a little longer but a large number of gravid females slow worms were found under refugia even when temperatures were very high approaching midday. The team then assisted with creating compost heaps for grass snake egg-laying at one of our favourite reptile surveys sites.

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Himalayan Balsam Removal Session - Sat 25th May, 2024

Posted on Tuesday 28th May, 2024

ARAG volunteers cleared three areas of Himalayan Balsam from our main ReSSSuscitate Project site in Frome Vale. We will be organising another session before the plants reach the point of seed dispersal (typically late July onwards). The invasive Balsam is pulled out at the root and is then left to rot down on existing compost heaps in sunny locations. Adding to the heaps helps to provide amphibians & slow worms with useful habitat. Great work team!

Balsam1ReSSSuscitate logo 03 002 via PaintBalsam2


ReSSSuscitate Project – Frome Vale

Posted on Tuesday 16th January, 2024

The ReSSSuscitate Project is now well underway in the Frome Vale area. Volunteers have already been busy improving habitats to make them more suitable for existing but fragmented reptile & amphibian populations. Volunteers have assisted with the creation of log piles, stone piles and compost/manure heaps and by blocking off unofficial paths with brash. We will be holding a project meeting over the coming months and hope to get volunteers engaged with local stakeholders (allotments & schools) and with other wildlife groups. We will also look at improving ponds in the area & other ways we can expand the scope of the project.

ReSSSuscitate logo 03 002 via PaintNewt1

ReSSSuscitate Project coming soon.....

Posted on Tuesday 9th May, 2023

The ReSSSuscitate Project aims to improve existing wild & semi wild areas within the Frome Valley area to make them more suitable for existing but fragmented reptile & amphibian populations. 

Our initial aims include creation of log piles, stone piles and compost/manure heaps (for grass snake egg-laying) at some of the wilder areas allowing reptiles to bask and breed more successfully. We also aim to map and improve ponds in the area and to encourage people to manage the land and introduce habitat features and plants that benefit reptiles & amphibians. As well as parks & wild or green spaces there are also schools and allotments within the zone and so we will be aiming to engage those stakeholders to improve linked habitat in the wider area too.

We are already working with Bristol Council at one of the core sites but will be appealing to our members to get involved with habitat improvements and engagement with other stakeholders to help us grow the project. 

More details to follow soon including the logo for the project and information on how you can get involved.........

Toad Patrols Will Start Again Soon - Volunteers Needed.

Posted on Wednesday 15th February, 2017

ARAG Toad Patrols take place in Fishponds, Chew Valley & Bitton and we support independent toad patrols in Bath & Portishead too as well as at other sites throughout the former county of Avon. To find your nearest Toad Patrol visit the Froglife Map - http://www.froglife.org/what-we-do/toads-on-roads/tormap/

To join up with a toad patrol in Fishponds, Chew Valley & Bitton you can visit the relevant facebook page below. You can download the risk assessment and insurance forms from there. You can then email the completed insurance form to info@arag.org.uk.
If you aren't on facebook then you can email info@arag.org.uk confirming which patrol you would like to help with and we can send you the relevant patrol pack.

Fishponds Toad Patrol - https://www.facebook.com/groups/FishpondsToads/
Chew Toad Patrol - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChewToads/
Bitton Toad Patrol - https://www.facebook.com/groups/BittonToads/ 



Show Past Events

Wildlife Pond Creation - Frome Vale

Mon 17th February, 2025 - Tue 18th February, 2025

Bristol City Council & ARAG are installing a new wildlife pond at our main ReSSSuscitate Project site in Oldbury Court Estate. Work will be taking place on Mon 17th & Tues 18th Feb and the council’s Parks Team are keen to get some help from our members if at all possible and especially for Mon 17th.
ARAG pushed for the creation of the pond and chose the specific location with the aim of reviving amphibian populations within the park. We will be responsible for maintaining the pond over the years and planting it up too once it’s in place. Avon Wildlife Trust have very kindly agreed to gift ARAG £200 of plants for the new pond & we will ask for your help again with planting these over the coming months.
ReSSSuscitate logo 03 002 via PaintPond3

Toad Patrols

Toad Patrols

If you are visiting this site having seen a media clip or press release about toad patrols then hopefully we can help point you in the right direction.

For patrols run by ARAG (Fishponds, Chew Valley, Bitton & Paulton) you can download the risk assessment & insurance forms by visiting the next tab - Toad Patrol Forms. You cannot join the group until you have completed the insurance forms so please do this before getting in touch.

For other patrols in the area please hit the link to the virtual map below. This will direct you to your closest toad patrol and will put you in touch with the Patrol Leader for that site.

To join one of the patrols run by ARAG you must complete an insurance form by visiting the next tab - Toad Patrol Forms.  

If you use Facebook then you can also visit/join the Facebook group for the patrol of your choosing. Joining the Facebook groups alone will not add you as a member of that toad patrol group. Visit the next tab for this.

Fishponds Toad Patrol - https://www.facebook.com/groups/FishpondsToads/
Chew Toad Patrol - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChewToads/
Bitton Toad Patrol - https://www.facebook.com/groups/BittonToads/ 
Paulton Toad Patrol - https://www.facebook.com/groups/paultontoads

To get in touch with other local patrols via Facebook please follow the links below:

Bath - https://www.facebook.com/toadrescuebath

Portishead - https://www.facebook.com/portisheadfrogs/ 

Pill - https://www.facebook.com/robdharvey/

Cameley & Clutton - https://www.facebook.com/groups/282369559920106 

Toad Patrol Forms

Toad Patrol Forms

Join a Toad Patrol by Completing the Forms Below:

We are looking for volunteers to help with our annual toad patrols. Patrols take place nightly in early spring each year. If you are interested in helping with the patrol then please download the attached files for the relevant patrol below and email the completed insurance form to the email address specified below. You cannot join a patrol until you have read the risk assessment & completed an insurance form so please do this before getting in touch. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) file should answer the majority of questions you may have and further guidance will be provided when you start to patrol. Please read the FAQs before asking any questions as its a very busy time of year for our Patrol Leaders.   

Fishponds Toad Patrol - please email the completed Insurance Form directly to toads@froglife.org with fishpondstoads@arag.org.uk copied in




Chew Toad Patrol - please email the completed Insurance Form directly to toads@froglife.org with Chewvalleytoads@arag.org.uk copied in. 




Bitton Toad Patrol - please email the completed Insurance Form directly to toads@froglife.org with bittontoads@arag.org.uk copied in




Paulton Toad Patrol - please email the insurance form to paultontoads@gmail.com





Photo gallery

Photo Gallery

Apr 18, 2015
Jan 23, 2011
Jan 23, 2011
Jan 23, 2011

Contact us

Contact Us

Joining ARAG - To join please complete the attached ARAG Joining Slip and email this to Info@arag.org.uk Once approved you will be sent an email via our website.


You can also join/follow our Facebook page too. Please note that joining the Facebook group alone does not add you to our membership list for ARAG or for individual Toad Patrols.

Submitting Reptile & Amphibian Records - Please visit the Record A Sighting tab. You can submit your records directly from this tab. If you have seen a snake or lizard please also email Info@arag.org.uk  
If you have seen large numbers of amphibians on roads in springtime in an area not covered by one of our Toad Patrols please email Info@arag.org.uk

General Enquiries & Rescues - if you need assistance or need to contact us about an amphibian or reptile rescue please contact Info@arag.org.uk Please note that we are a volunteer organisation with limited resources. 





© Avon Reptile and Amphibian Group (ARAG)
Website hits: 32534

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