Wirral ARG (WiARG)
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The aim of this group is to understand and protect the amphibians and reptiles of the Wirral peninsular through organizing training, raising awareness, surveys, habitat management tasks and other conservation activities.


The Wirral Peninsular has historically been habitat of Sand Lizard, Natterjack, Great Crested Newt, Common Frog, Common Toad, Smooth Newt, Palmate Newt, Common Lizard, Slow Worm and Grass Snake. However, developments in the 20th Century has seen species such as the Sand Lizard and Natterjack disappear. Status of other herps have been uncertain, the problem being linked to lack of surveys and recording.

In 2018, preliminary surveys around Wallasey revealed many new and surprising records for amphibians and reptiles. This was part of the Cheshire & Wirral ARG. However, the size of this district with that county was too large, necessitating the formation of a new ARG for Wirral (WiARG) so more surveys and recording can be coordinated across this interesting peninsular.

Founding member and current Chair of WiARG, Tom Doherty-Bone, grew up on the Wirral and was frustrated by the lost herpetofauna species and limited opportunities to view the remaining herps in the area. Formation of this new ARG will create the opportunity for local residents in the Wirral to get involved with amphibian and reptile surveys and recording for both enjoyment of these wonderful animals and to aid in their conservation on the Wirral.


Since its formation in 2019, WiARG has undertaken numerous surveys and practical conservation tasks across the Wirral. Some of the highlights have been mapping out the extent of Common Lizard in Harrison Park, Wallasey, as well as lizards and amphibians across the North Wirral Coastal Park. Updating the known status of amphibians (including Great Crested Newt) at Royden Park and more recently measuring the use of the tidal zone of amphibians in the north west Wirral coast. 

An outline itinerary for 2023-24 can be found under the 'Upcoming surveys' tab, suggestions from members are welcomed.

Existing partnerships include the Wirral Ranger Service, Cheshire Wildlife Trust, the Friends of the North Wirral Coastal Park and Wirral Wildlife. 


The present committee consists of: Thomas Doherty-Bone (chair); Sue Noyce (secretary); Jon Bielby (vice chair); Frankie Bielby (treasurer); Charles Mulryan (general committee); Mike Brown (senior adviser).


The membership fee for 2023-24 is £5 (£2.50 for under 17s when accompanied by a guardian), which goes toward conservation activities of the group, such as buying equipment. Payment can either be made in cash, bank transfer or  through Paypal: https://paypal.me/WiARG?locale.x=en_GB

Membership cycle runs from April to April.

 Please get in contact if you wish to get involved. 



Notice of Annual General Meeting and Survey Training Session Sat 25th November Royden Park

Posted on Saturday 28th October, 2023

We will be having our Annual General Meeting at 2 pm on Saturday the 25th November at Royden Park's hall by the cafe.

There will be a training session at 1 pm, going over the basics of amphibian & reptile surveys. This will include basic biology and ecology of the UK amphibians and reptiles, how to set up a survey, and record data, including how to use the ARGWEB system. This provides members the opportunity to improve their skills and plan for the 2024 survey season. This is specifically for WiARG members, though non-members can participate if they join up on the day.

The AGM will start at 2pm

This is an opportunity for members to be voted into the committee and help drive the governance of this successful voluntary-run environmental group on the Wirral. There are openings for treasurer and data officer, as well as general committee posts suited for those seeking to understand the function of the group better. If you are interested, email Tom at tommy_dbone@yahoo.com

The AGM Agenda will be circulated on our social media platforms and can be emailed directly upon request.We look forward to seeing you on the day.

Grass Snake Reports in Ellesmere Port

Posted on Thursday 4th May, 2023

There have been reports of Grass Snakes in the local press lately, which have still to be properly verified, however our chair Thomas Doherty-Bone has written a blog discussing this here: https://thomasdb.weebly.com/blog/snakes-in-the-grass-at-ellesmere-port-be-not-afraid-help-them

WiARG AGM 12/12/22

Posted on Monday 6th March, 2023

Minutes for Wirral ARG AGM 2022
Date: 12/12/2022
Venue: Ranger’s Mess, Dibbinsdale Local Nature Reserve
Committee: Thomas Doherty-Bone (chair), Charles Mulryan (committee member)
Other attendees: Georgie Hobson (member)
Apologies: Jon Bielby (vice president), Frances Bielby (acting treasurer), Mike Brown (mentor), Sue
Noyce (secretary – at last minute due to being delayed by winter disruptions to public transport)

Meeting content:
Acknowledgment and thanks are due to Wirral Borough Council ranger Russ Cottrell for helping
organise the venue, with invitation extended to us to use it in future.
This meeting was under-attended, disappointing but understandable given the time of year. It is
noted efforts had been made earlier in 2022 to organise a meeting but venues were proving difficult.
This apparently became worse as council-run community halls were deliberately closing in evenings
for cost-cutting on electricity and gas.

TDB gave a presentation (on a projector kindly provisioned by G. Hobson) on the progress and
achievement of the Wirral ARG (WiARG) for 2022, with plans for 2023 laid out. See below for details.

For 2022, the records showed 17 paid members, but 30 on the email list. Care may need to be taken
for when members pay in cash, with diligence to note it down in good time. The accounts ending
April 2022 were presented with £48.92 taken in, £3.38 only paid on materials leaving £272.46 in the
bank that includes funds from previous years.

The current balance is £78.00, with that financial
report for 2022-23 due this April.

The meeting was then opened to rest attendees.

Activities for 2022 included:
- Jan-May - continuing to monitor amphibians (especially Great Crested Newt) at Royden
Park, including overseeing the creation of a new pond;
- Feb-Aug - pond management at Eastham Country Park with follow up torch surveys;
- Mar-June- surveys and litter picks at Central Park Wallasey, including an outreach day;
- Apr-May - prospective surveys at Rendova Farm at the Cheshire-Wirral boundary;
- May - a prospective survey of Wirral Country Park;
- Jun - rapid surveys of the pond at Irby Mill in response to potential illegal activity;
- Jun-Sep - setting up reptile surveys are Thurstaston Common with Natasha Murwill as
part of her masters at Manchester Metropolitan University;
- Apr-May - surveying Heswall Golf Course;
- May-Sep - surveying Wallasey Golf Course;
- Jul-Sep - continuing the study of amphibian use of habitat around Hoylake and West
Kirby, particularly Natterjack Toad.

Many other surveys were planned but not achieved due to time constraints and limited volunteers
taking the lead. For example, Ditton Lane at Moreton is still in dire need of surveying given the threat of development. Land owner permission had been secured, but it was unsurveyed. Furthersurveys at Frankby Cemetery were desired but did not take place. Surveys around North WirralCoastal Park were set up but not properly followed up, which is understandable but limits thecomparison to the Wallasey Golf Course surveys. Other new sites were surveyed by members, suchas Prenton Dell by the Paunells (Paul & Di), and more dedicated, intensive surveys are desired here,especially laying down of artificial refugia. The heatwaves of 2022 were particularly troubling, andmay have explained very low encounter rates of Common Lizard at numerous sites when surveyedand this is something that should be looked into further.

The main plans for 2023 are:-

Surveying Royden Park’s ponds to track the effectiveness of the past 3 year’s interventions;-

Set up surveys of Ditton Lane (Charles Mulryan offered to lead);- Set up surveys for Prenton Dell (possible Paul & Di Paunell to lead?);-

More pond management and follow-up surveys for Eastham Country Park;-

Continue monitoring of ponds at Central Park (Sue Noyce lead);-

Investigate the possibility of creating more ponds in New Brighton, especially aroundHarrison Park (no amphibians have ever been recorded there), which will also includefollow-up refugia and walk-over surveys;-

Organisation of an action plan workshop for Great Crested Newt on the Wirral (morerealistically from October 2023);-

Set up training sessions to empower members to take the lead on effective surveys,mostly likely for late March-early April;-

Plan further outreach events, which proved very successful in 2022;-

Administer the WiARG via the ARGWEB online portal to enable members to contribute more efficiently.

The surveys around Red Rocks and Hoylake Beach are now concluded and will be subjected to peer-
reviewed publication, with discussions to plan where to move forward on this. There may however
be opportunities for a group visit to Red Rocks with members in liaison with the Cheshire Wildlife

Matters arising:
- Further surveys might be planned, but require input from members.
- The chair will be unable to devote as much time as before due to gradually relocating to
North Wales. Members need to start getting ready to receive the baton for leadership of the
- No new volunteers for committee had come forward, nor were present committee members
requesting changes to their positions.
- This AGM, while not well attended, will be the milestone for 2021-2022, the next one will be
held much sooner in March/April 2023, which will be a mixture of training session and
survey at Dibbinsdale (Russ has offered the venue again) with the aim of recruiting new
members and empowering them to continue with surveys and other projects.

- End-

Hoylake Beach and beyond for Wirral’s coastal amphibians

Posted on Friday 22nd July, 2022

In the summer of 2021, the Wirral ARG led a study on the habitat use of amphibians in the north west Wirral coast. This primarily looked at whether amphibians were using areas outside of the Red Rocks Nature Reserve, where it was already known populations of four amphibian species occur: Smooth Newt, Common Frog, Common Toad, and the Natterjack Toad. The study was born out of the long-term consideration of expanding and sustaining the rare Natterjack population on the Wirral. Natterjack had been reintroduced to Red Rocks in the early 00s and was sustaining its population thanks to management of its breeding habitat by the Cheshire Wildlife Trust (the Wirral Parks & Recreation before them). While they were stable there, this was still a small, vulnerable population, with more needed to expand across the Wirral coast.

Back in 2019 when WiARG were turning our attentions to Red Rocks, there was only bare sand, housing, roads and sea walls connecting the dunes there to the dunes at Meols and the Gunsite. We had thought about how the habitat between the two main sand dune sites could be restored so these rare toads could have lots of other breeding populations. In particular, we wanted to work out how to engage with the public to get consent for geoengineering the coast to make this possible. Then came the revelation that the beach at Hoylake was being kept artificially bare, that the council had been spraying and raking vegetation that would have formed coastal habitat. Things then started moving. First of all, the council stopped spraying and raking the beach. Then the coastal vegetation started to grow, and grow, forming green mats of a mixture of saltmarsh and sand dune species. Over a hundred plant species were found to be colonising (or resurrecting within?) the shore over two years. Sadly, despite much positive support for the development, there was a loud chorus of disapproval that made the issue of the vegetational succession highly polarised. This was apparently party politics seizing the opportunity to discredit opponents making the decisions and win over disgruntled voters. Whichever decisions were to be made, a scientific evidence base would be needed.

We therefore took the opportunity to obtain baseline data on the status of amphibians outside of Red Rocks, not just Hoylake but other, adjacent areas. We held back from surveying residential properties to save frightening people who would see us wondering around their gardens at night. Academically, this study has been interesting in understanding how amphibians move along coastal environments – one rule of thumb is that amphibians avoid saline environments or at least do not thrive in them. For example, oceanic islands formed by volcanic activity typically have no amphibians at all as they can’t enter the sea. Natterjack have some tolerance to salt water that can give them the upper hand over Common Toad, but even a high tide can put them off breeding in a pond for a while. One night we found that where amphibians stopped, the crabs started – there was an abundance of Shore Crab on land. This may have been an unusual night as we didn’t see it every time, but was food for thought.

Due to the viciousness of some of the discourse from some members of the public, manifest by abuse directed to other scientists involved with studying the beach, we did our best to keep a low profile. And it seemed to work as we carried on without hassle, with no snide comments from the usual suspects after we posted findings on social media platforms. Afterall we just wanted to do the science, enjoy ourselves meeting amphibians doing interesting things on the coast and send it back to the public for consideration. And we met some lovely amphibians, even the protected Natterjack in abundance, which we had to arrange for licensing to survey from Natural England. Common Toad were mostly found to be spilling over into Hoylake Beach, with one young Natterjack, but none more than 100m. In contrast, we found no amphibians at all in the raked West Kirby beach. The only amphibians in the eastern end of Hoylake Beach were Common Frog (more terrestrial than people realise), and this Spring they were found breeding in a puddle on the beach with the tadpoles still present in early June.


The data from 2021 is being analysed and further surveys to augment the dataset are being planned, at Hoylake, West Kirby and further afield to capture better information on coastal movements of amphibians. A manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal is already drafted with this preliminary data – this is just the start of things, a scientific paper is more a status report than the final story. The story is however pointing to a potential future for when the habitats of Hoylake Beach could act as a corridor for Natterjack and other amphibians to move east toward the other sand dunes of Meols and Leasowe-Wallasey. And that would only be one part of the broader restoration of the living systems of the Wirral that would benefit people as much as the species that will prosper because of them.

What can you do to help? There is a consultation for residents of the Wirral to feedback to the council how the beach at Hoylake should be managed – this might include leaving the beach to continue to develop sand dune & saltmarsh habitat; returning to the former management; a blend of both; or something only you may have thought of. If you want to lend your voice to this, the consultancy ends 10th August, so make sure to make your thoughts known here: https://haveyoursay.wirral.gov.uk/hoylake-beach-information/survey_tools/hoylake-beach

Discover the Wild-side of Central Park Wallasey on the Jubilee Weekend

Posted on Friday 27th May, 2022

We will be running a stall by the ponds at Central Park Wallasey during the Jubilee weekend. The stall will be raising awareness of the amphibians & reptiles across Wirral, with special focus on pondlife in the park. We will have some newts, tadpoles (if any about), as well as numerous invertebrates.


This will be in collaboration with RECORD the local biological record centre, who will be introducing park visitors to biological recording via bug hunts, bird spotting and more. 


We will be setting up the stall about 08:30 a.m. so if you want to come and volunteer, let us know. Hope to see you then, whether you are helping out or just saying hello and seeing what we can show you. The stall will be up from 9 a.m. till 3 p.m.





Past Events

Show Upcoming Events

Reptile Survey Harrison Park, Wallasey

Thu 1st January, 1970

Checking the artificial refugia for reptiles. This is a site that is heavily used by dog walkers, yet last year it was found to be one of the best sites in Wallasey for Common Lizards. Interestingly (but worryingly) half the site burned last summer, providing an opportunity to assess if summer fires are having an impact. 

Surveys have been expanded to other sections of the park where more footfall of dogwalkers takes place. Survey is estimated to take one hour, with potential for further surveys in the adjacent Red Noses. 

Meeting at 10 a.m. at car park off Harrison Drive, Wallasey, CH45 3HL.

This event is weather permitting, therefore it is recommended to notify the organizers (tommy_dbone@yahoo.com) so any notifications with regard to the weather can be made. 


Introductory Meeting and pond visit, Bebington

Thu 18th April, 2019

Introductory Meeting – All Welcome!

Date & time: Thursday 18th April 2019, 7.30-9.30 p.m.

Venue: Windsor Close Community Centre, Windsor Close, Bebington, Wirral, CH62 5BZ.

Train station: Bebington. Parking: Woodhead Street Car Park.

The newly formed Wirral Amphibian & Reptile Group (ARG) aims to understand and protect the amphibians and reptiles of the Wirral peninsular through organizing training, raising awareness, surveys, habitat management tasks and other conservation activities. This is a volunteer-run initiative of the ARG UK.      

The meeting will include a talk on the present knowledge of amphibians and reptiles on the Wirral, with proposals for activities for 2019 and Q&A.

Talk will be followed by a visit to ponds at the nearby New Ferry Butterfly Park where Smooth Newts are found. Bring a torch and suitable footwear.

Biosecurity: to prevent spreading amphibian disease, footwear should be Checked-Cleaned-Dried. If you keep pet amphibians, please wear clean clothes from last handling.



Reptile Survey Harrison Park

Fri 26th April, 2019

Meeting at the car park off Harrison Drive at 10 a.m.. 


Harrison Park, Harrison Dr, Wallasey CH45 3HL

We will be checking artificial refugia laid down to monitor the Common Lizard population in this local park. Last year there seemed to be lizards under every mat, so hopeful it will be the same this year. If there is time, I will also go through the Red Noses to check on refugia there. Weather is supposed to be sun with light rain showers, so fingers crossed the mats will be warmed up enough for the lizards to use them.

North Wirral Coastal Park - Herps et al, City Nature Challenge

Mon 29th April, 2019

  • Meeting 10 a.m. sea front carpark at the Gunsite, North Wirral Coastal Park, Wallasey, CH45 8LW


There will be a reptile and amphibian survey of the Gunsite section of the North Wirral Coastal Park as part of the City Nature Challenge 2019 (see attached flyer). This is in partnership with the Friends of the North Wirral Coastal Park. This provides opportunities to see species in sand dunes, grassland, woodland, reedbeds and ponds.

The aim of the City Nature Challenge is to record as many species as possible in the Liverpool City Region using the iNaturalist app (we will be doing similar on Friday at Harrison Park). Meeting at the sea front carpark (I will be cycling as usual), we will start at 10 a.m. checking refugia for reptiles, walking through the dunes and recording other biodiversity plants, insects, etc as we go. More eyes the better! 

We will then check the off show ponds for amphibians. If there is time or energy, we will continue through the woodland-grassland to Leasowe Lighthouse to check the larger pond, even waiting till dark to see which amphibians are active, as well as other taxonomic groups. We would thus welcome more pairs of eyes and specialities for this.


10:00 AM - 10:10 AM Meet at Gunsite sea-front carpark
10:10 AM - 12:00 PM 
Survey around terrestrial habitats at Gunsite
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 
Inspect ponds at Gunsite
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM 
Walk to Leasowe Common, recording on the way
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 
Break for late lunch if not already seen.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 
Recording around pond at Leasowe Lighthouse
4:00 PM End of day time surveys, break off
8:45 PM - 10:00 PM 
Night time survey of pond by Leasowe Lighthouse

Amphibian survey Central Park Wallasey

Thu 2nd May, 2019 - Fri 3rd May, 2019

Meet 5 p.m. at the car park at Central Park Liscard, Wallasey (in case you thought it was New York!).

We will be setting up bottle traps in the two ponds fenced off at the park. This will be followed by a little litter pick around the ponds as they are in a bit of a state, aiming to finish 7 p.m.. We will then wait for dark at a local pub (TBC, but probably the Lazy Landlord, drinking/eating responsibly). We will then head back out and do a torch light survey c. 9 p.m. for newts, finishing about 10 p.m. 

The following morning we will check the newt traps at 9 a.m. 

What to bring:

- litter grabber if you have one
- gardening gloves or something similar for litter picking
- sturdy foot wear
- torch, ideally a head torch
- clothing to accommodate cold spells.It is expected to see lots of tadpoles, possibly frogs and toad, but last year we had new records for Smooth Newt and would like to see if the bottle traps could give us an idea on the relative abundance. In the morning we may even see the terrapin.

Reptile Survey Harrison Park Wallasey

Thu 16th May, 2019

Checking the artificial refugia for reptiles. This is a site that is heavily used by dog walkers, yet last year it was found to be one of the best sites in Wallasey for Common Lizards. Interestingly (but worryingly) half the site burned last summer, providing an opportunity to assess if summer fires are having an impact. 

Surveys have been expanded to other sections of the park where more footfall of dogwalkers takes place. Survey is estimated to take one hour, with potential for further surveys in the adjacent Red Noses. 

Meeting at 10 a.m. at car park off Harrison Drive, Wallasey, CH45 3HL.

This event is weather permitting, therefore it is recommended to notify the organizers (tommy_dbone@yahoo.com) so notifications can be sent out in case of cancellation. 

Amphibian Torch Survey Bidston Moss

Sat 18th May, 2019

We will be doing a torch survey for newts in Bidston Moss and Pride Park.

Meet at carpark by B&Q 9.15 p.m. aiming to finish by 10.30 p.m.

Bring a torch.

Reptile Survey Bidston Moss - CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER

Sun 19th May, 2019

EVENT CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER. Cloud is letting no sun through, so refugia won't be warming up. Will reschedule soon.


Meet at B&Q carpark 10 a.m.

Common Lizard have been observed at sections of this former landfill site and railway. Will be checking under refugia to see if Slow Worms might be present too.



Reptile Survey Harrison Park Wallasey

Thu 23rd May, 2019

Checking the artificial refugia for reptiles. This is a site that is heavily used by dog walkers, yet last year it was found to be one of the best sites in Wallasey for Common Lizards. Interestingly (but worryingly) half the site burned last summer, providing an opportunity to assess if summer fires are having an impact. 

Surveys have been expanded to other sections of the park where more footfall of dogwalkers takes place. Survey is estimated to take one hour, with potential for further surveys in the adjacent Red Noses. 

Meeting at 10 a.m. at car park off Harrison Drive, Wallasey, CH45 3HL.

This event is weather permitting, therefore it is recommended to notify the organizers (tommy_dbone@yahoo.com) so notifications can be sent out in case of cancellation. 

Reptile Survey Harrison Park Wallasey

Fri 31st May, 2019

Checking the artificial refugia for reptiles. This is a site that is heavily used by dog walkers, yet last year it was found to be one of the best sites in Wallasey for Common Lizards. Interestingly (but worryingly) half the site burned last summer, providing an opportunity to assess if summer fires are having an impact. 

Surveys have been expanded to other sections of the park where more footfall of dogwalkers takes place. Survey is estimated to take one hour, with potential for further surveys in the adjacent Red Noses. 

Meeting at 10 a.m. at car park off Harrison Drive, Wallasey, CH45 3HL.

This event is weather permitting, therefore it is recommended to notify the organizers (tommy_dbone@yahoo.com) so notifications can be sent out in case of cancellation. 

Committee Members

Committee Members

Committee 2021-22

Upcoming Surveys

Upcoming Surveys

There are multiple surveys planned for Friday 24th May at Central Park, Birkenhead Park and Prenton Dell.

Each survey will consist of setting traps and torching ponds on Friday, then returning early on Saturday morning in order to empty the traps and record what's there. As with all surveys, appropriate clothing, water-proof shoes/boots and torches will be useful. 

Please use the "check-clean-dry" technique with your outdoor gear for biosecurity. Likewise, if you keep amphibians and reptiles at home, probably use separate clothes if you have been handling or servicing them to save spreading exotic pathogens around. 

Let us know if you are planning to attend.


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