Cumbria ARG
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About Us

Welcome to Cumbria Amphibian and Reptile Group! (CARG)


As a volunteer run group our aims are to promote the conservation of our native reptiles and amphibians here in Cumbria. Improving the knowledge of the distribution of our native species, educate and increase awareness via surveys and practical conservation.

We are looking for members that would be interested in getting involved in local conservation and receiving training, surveying, attending talks and sharing knowledge and experiences.

As a group CARG offer the following opportunities 

We are available and qualified to give

  • ·School talks
  • ·Group presentations
  • ·Field trips

Training days carried out by expert ecologists

  • ·Identification skills
  • ·Species ecology
  • ·Methods of surveying
  • ·To help monitor our native amphibians and reptiles (non-licensed species only)

Social events

  • ·Walks and talks
  • ·Conferences
  • ·Presentations
  • ·Public events
  • ·Fundraising

The annual membership fee is £5  (free for under 16's).

To become a member send an email request to


Bank transfer details will be forwarded to you. 

You will receive a welcome email and login details to ARGWEB - in which the appropriate membership forms and voluntary forms will be required to be filled in for your membership.

As a member, you can be involved in -

Toad Patrols

Become a patrol manager of a registered road or a patroller to help to assist in helping our native common toad to their breeding ponds


Contribute to the collection of data - building a picture of reptile and amphibian distribution within our county

Habitat Management

Practical ground management improving the quality of amphibian and reptile habitats

ARGWEB Management Software

Managing membership/ managing survey direction and reporting/sharing data info to land managers, owners, stakeholders




2021 CARG calendar

Posted on Monday 30th November, 2020

It’s finally here! What we have all been waiting for, the 2021 CARG calendar. I have attached some images of the finalised calendar to get an idea of what it will look like.

Again, a massive thank you to all that submitted photos and to ARG UK for judging the competition. It was a tough one!

There are varying sizes available to buy including A5 (£8), A4 (£10) and A3 (£15). Profits made from sales go directly to CARG to support us in education outreach and survey equipment. Just click the link below!

Photos used in this calendar have been taken with non-disturbance photography. Any photos you may see showing handling have been taken during surveys for identifying purposes.


Calendar Competition

Posted on Thursday 29th October, 2020

COMPETITION TIME! We need you to send us your most fantastic photos of our native UK herps. The winning 12 photos will be used in our very own special 2021 CARG calendar. The winner of our overall favourite will not only have their photo on the front of the calendar, but they will receive one as their prize! All photos used will be referenced. The calendars will be available to purchase after the competition has ended on the 14th November.

Submit your photos to for a chance to win your spot in the calendar! Good luck 😊Competition post

Summer Update

Posted on Tuesday 27th October, 2020


Hope everyone is keeping well and safe !

Well it hasn't been the survey season we were preparing for or expecting - we had lots of great activities planned for members during the summer months. 

However, the facebook page has been a great way to keep things ticking over with training courses, quizzes, on line seminars and information for followers.

Link to seminars and training courses 

ARG seminars

Training courses

Lots of interesting outreach fundraising/activities/training and surveys are currently being prepared -  Group calendar, Toad patrols, Natterjack monitoring, Burial ground surveys, Education visits, Field trips, Corporate training - so keep checking here and on our FB page for updates.

We are always looking for people to become more involved by becoming a member and joining these fantastic activities helping to conserve our native amphibians and reptiles.


Posted on Sunday 31st May, 2020


Please follow this link - in which a risk assessment specific to COVID 19 is available and the current best practice advice from CIEEM for its members, which sets out sensible precautions which ARG volunteers may wish to adopt when surveying 


March 2020

Posted on Sunday 12th April, 2020


The beginning of March saw the continuation of Toad Patrols in Cumbria- with very successful rescues carried out by Matt Carr (Coordinator for Cumbria Patrols) and his teams!

We have had lots of wonderful toad and frog posts on our Facebook page including excellent tadpole development footage from Wild Intrigue

We had our first AGM meeting at the beginning of March and it was wonderful to meet our members and to discuss plans for the forthcoming season - However due to the current Coronavirus events and surveys have sadly been cancelled until further notice.

Minutes from the meeting are available from

We are nevertheless keeping our Facebook page updated with various online activities and training resources for all keen amphibian and reptile addicts!

We have received a few posts in regards to the emergence of Adders with negativity attached  - we are hoping to still carry on with our plan of promoting a positive image of our Adders via the media in the upcoming weeks.

A good positive information post from ARG in response to negativity is - Adders are Amazing




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Toad Patrols/Disease

Toad Patrols/Disease



Toad patrols are for supporting amphibians and reptiles on their migration to their breeding ponds by helping them cross busy roads (by stopping them getting squashed!)

The patrols are supported by Froglife Toads on the roads but each site is managed individually and sites need to be registered with Froglife and all volunteers taking part need to be registered for insurance purposes 

Find your nearest patrol here link

Contact details for our South Cumbria patrols: Email address for Toad Coordinator Matt

Contact details for Appleby patrol: Email address for Toad coordinator Suzie

Contact for Ambleside patrol: Email address for Toad coordinator







Please find below important information for all outdoor workers or herp enthusiasts about biosecurity. 

An introduction to amphibian and reptiles biosecurity pdfBiosecurity_web_page.pdf

A disease guide for fieldworkers pdfAmphibian_Disease_Precautions_A_Guide_for_UK.pdf

A disease alert to protect wild amphibian and reptile species by reducing disease risk in captive amphibian and reptilespdfReducing_disease_risks.pdf

Disease profiles









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Education Material for Schools and Parents

To record the species you see pdfRecord_Sheet.pdf      

Information posters 

A quick introduction to amphibian and reptiles for primary school children pdfPrimary_School_Amphibians_and_Reptiles_poster.pdf

Adders are Amazing Activities 

Practical activity pdf5_Food_chains_and_webs.pdf

Arts and crafts activity pdf7_Wind_snakes_activity.pdf

Practical activity pdf8_Adder_hunt_quiz_activity.pdf

Arts and crafts activity pdf9_Adder_stone_trails_activity.pdf

Arts and crafts activity pdf13_Adder_nightlights.pdf

Arts and crafts activity pdf15_Adder_amulets.pdf

Arts and crafts activity pdf17_Adder_bookmarks.pdf

Baking activity pdf18_Snake_snacks.pdf

English and literature activity pdf19_Adder_poetry_activity.pdf

Class work

Power point looking at differences between snakes and lizards (emphasis on Slow worms)    pptxReptile_school_talk_slow_worms.pptx

cumberland show 1school reptile talk

Frog and toads

Basic images showing frog metamorphosis pdfFrog_cycle.pdf

A frog mask template to decorate pdfFrog_mask_template.pdf

Detailed Information on Common frogs, Common toads and NatterjackspdfNative_frog_and_toad_posters.pdf

Mix and match game - matching the correct definitions to the correct speciespdfMix_and_Match_Game.pdf

A quick guide to spawn identification pdfARG_UK_Spawn_ID_.pdf

Toad patrol involvement for children and vulnerable people jpgToad_Patrols_for_Children_and_Vulnerable_people.JPG

Amphibian and Reptile Quiz

Identify the correct species by just their eyeball. A tricky but fun quiz! pdfEye_ID_quiz.pdf

Mix and match game - match the correct habitat to the correct species pdfHabitat_Mix_and_Match_.pdf

Note down the correct habitat or habitats for the species. Similar to the mix and match game but with pictures!pdfHabitat_Quiz.pdf

Reptile Activities

Arts and crafts activity pdfSnake_rock_poster_activity_.pdf


ID guides from ARC Trust and ARG UK:

Amphibian ID guide

Reptile ID guide


Video Tutorials 

How to record your sightings  How to record your sightings

Membership Membership tutorial

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Upcoming events will be listed here.

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