Cumbria ARG
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Welcome to Cumbria Amphibian and Reptile Group! (CARG)


As a volunteer run group our aims are to promote the conservation of our native reptiles and amphibians here in Cumbria. 

The website provides:

  • A place to record your amphibian and reptile sightings.
  • Training links and resources. 
  • Link to our Facebook forum Cumbria Amphibian and Reptile Group where you can ask questions and upload images.






2023 Summary of Activities

Posted on Thursday 11th January, 2024


During 2023 CARG over saw and trained new volunteers for the monitoring of regular survey sites, the majority are adder sites and we did see an increase in sightings of individuals at all sites which is fantastic news ! 

The earliest sighting was recorded 2 weeks earlier than the previous year at Geltsdale on the 13th of February, not unusual if we have mild weather and sunny spells.

A new survey has been set up at Campfield Marsh. Historic records show adders at the RSPB reserve, but over recent years few have been spotted. So far this year 2 adders were recorded in different areas of the reserve and as we work with the rangers, with some gentle habitat management and regular surveys undertaken, overtime a better picture of the status of adders will be recorded on this site.

Photo S.Collinson Adder 2023 

   No photo description available.



During autumn and winter we had Charlie one of our younger members volunteer to do some outreach work over our social media platforms. Charlie is partaking in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and this work was part of his award. Charlie researched our native amphibians and reptile, a different one each week and produced true/false quiz questions, Interesting facts and a brain teaser activity. This outreach was extremely successful from the feedback we received and we all learnt a great deal ! The work produced will be added to our education page shortly for all to see and use. 

No photo description available.

Committee member Matt carried out a day session at Garsdale Pike with young volunteers. A refugia transect was set up on the lower area of the fell, and Matt talked through ID of our native reptiles and how and when to survey.

Picture wgpNo photo description available.

More information regarding the Wild Garsdale Pike charity can be found Here


In October committee member Libby  worked with the West Cumbria Rivers Trust and held a amphibian information day at Longlands lake near Egremont. They had a fantastic turnout and learnt so much from Libby's expertise !

May be an image of 6 people, amphibian and text that says Here


We also had committee member David chatting to Radio Cumbria about adders and dog walkers, reassuring people what to do and how to act responsibly if they encounter an adder on a walk.

More Information available  Here 


Walks and Talks 

One of my favourite activities! I love meeting up with members, going for a stroll, looking for amphibians and reptile and chatting all things nature. These days are always informal and relaxed and really good fun :) 

This year we went to 2 new places not visited before which were Haybridge and Clint Quarry and also one of our favourites Foulshaw moss. 

Haybridge was exceptional as we recorded grass snakes, adders and slow worms !!!! Clint Quarry was quite magical with its quarry and industrial features overtaken by nature with palmate newts in the man made quarry pits, fossils and stunning orchids. Foulshaw we could not take a step without seeing so many stunning emerald green common lizards draped on the board walks and we discovered different slow worm life stages hiding under refugia !

Great days with great people and great records !


No photo description available.

Clint Quarry 

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Foulshaw moss

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What is next !!!!

Coming up for 2024 

Toad Patrols 

CBDC Conference

CARG Annual General Meeting

Amazing at Adders at Walkmill Woods

and much much more 


July to September Brief Summary

Posted on Sunday 8th January, 2023


The last 6 months has seen a continuation of several surveys carried out by members across the county. These have included adder, common lizard, frogs and toads in many different settings including reserves, burial grounds and parks !

We have also had one off sightings uploaded in some new areas such as grass snakes in peoples gardens and adders close to the M6 motorway services !

Remember to upload your sightings to record pool or i record.


Talkin Tarn Festival of Nature 

A brilliant day of activities and information - with pinning the tail on the common lizard being a firm favorite !

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Summer Social

A joint event for members from CARG and the Cumberland Bat Group. 

Camping, food, quizzes, including a bat and amphibian walk.

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Keswick Natural History Society

Suzie and Ashleigh presented natterjack, slow worm and adder research.


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Walks and Talks

Members visited Wedholme reserve near Wigton. Amphibians were spotted on the raised bog and definitely worth a revisit to see if any adders or common lizards are present.

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Congratulations to Matt and Marie for their Newt Year honours award for dedication to toad patrols and volunteers in south Cumbria - well deserved !

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January to July Summary

Posted on Friday 8th July, 2022

Hello Everyone !

It has been a while since the news has been updated - my apologises!

Toad patrols

As a group we have been very busy starting in January and February with toad patrols up and down the county. Extremely important this year as COVID restrictions were lifted more vehicles were on the roads  ! 

Toad patrol Coordinator Matt Carr has compiled the following document with data for the last 3 years 



An ongoing activity for the group - With articles on newts in Eden FM magazine  Eden Local Jan 22  and records and information forwarded on for entry in to the up coming publication of Birds and Wildlife in Cumbria.

Our Annual General Meeting (on line) was well attended in March. Topics of discussion included activities members would like with training in species identification, ecology and survey techniques being requested the most. Members do have the online tutorials at their disposal for more information please email us at

We were honoured to be voted as a Nature Hero. Run by the Cumbria Wildlife Trust celebrating their 60 years of work. We were nominate for our voluntary work and contribution to Cumbrian wildlife and habitats - Read More Here 

The Cumbrian Biodiversity Data Centre Recorders Conference was well attended and CARG presented an update of surveys and records for the county. A copy of the presentation slides can be located following this link. CARG CBDC Conference

The beginning of June we joined with the Cumberland Bat Group and took part in Open Farm Sunday at Susan's Farm Houghton and the AONB Festival of Nature at Talkin Tarn - Both fantastic events in which children enjoyed craft activities and asking a lot of interesting questions ! A big thank you to our volunteers Lesley, Jude and David for all of their hard work !

CARG played a small part in the new Tullie House Exhibition "Once Upon a Planet " with adder ecology advice and CARG chair Suzie speaking about how others can help against Climate change.  The exhibition is now open to view Once Upon a Planet



Surveys and Training 

We have a continuation of surveys in our prime adder locations, Cliburn moss common lizard count, Finding Sanctuary surveys in Ambleside, Kirkbampton and Cartmell.

On line training modules are available for members and practical sessions to complement this are also run at regular intervals. 

One of our members very kindly offered her amazing ponds for an amphibian practical session. CARG  member Libby ran the session and all attendees are now equipped with the knowledge and experience to carry out a basic pond torch survey. (non licensed)..

Habitat Work

A group of CARG volunteers carried out pond work (removal of reeds) a community pond near Great Salkeld Penrith, hibernaculum's were also created for the range of amphibians living there to access.  

Our pond at St Pauls Church Holme Eden is coming on a treat with froglets now making their terrestrial journey in life  !


A big big thank you to all that entered our annual calendar competition, judges from ARG UK and Ashleigh for all her hard work pulling it together. We raised an amazing £164.17 for our funds which has gone towards the purchase of amphibian survey equipment for our volunteers. 

We will be running this again so keep taking your (non disturbance) images !!!


Upcoming Events 

Events upcoming include walks and talks at Foulshaw and a partial walk of the Ullswater Way (dates to be confirmed)

A joint social event with the Cumberland Bat Group. Camping, pond dipping and a bat walk and refreshments will be available for committee and members to get together (provisional date first weekend in September).


To record your sightings follow the To Record a Sighting  tab on our Website !


End of Year Update

Posted on Tuesday 28th December, 2021

Our final update before 2022 !

The last few months have been a hive of activity for the group with end of season surveys, habitat maintenance and creation, our annual calendar competition and this year we added Christmas cards to our online shop with equal success.


As a group we have been very fortunate in working with some local groups:

Susan's Farm Houghton 

A working Care Farm two miles from Carlisle providing opportunities for learning and practical work experience.  A registered charity whose 

VISION is that people’s lives are transformed by working together in purposeful outdoor activity so they can reach their full potential. Click for more information Susan's Farm

Members visited and carried out habitat suitability index on several waterbodies across two areas which are in trust of Susan's Farm. During the visit Common frog and toad at different life stages were recorded. Members carried out some pond clearance at a later date and created hibernaculum's for amphibians. 

SF 1SF 2

St. Pauls Church 

Eden Wild Goose Nature Wildlife Pond

at St Paul's Holme Eden

December 2021 In partnership with The Cumbrian Amphibian and Reptile Group and The COOP Local Community Fund.

Eden Wild Goose Nature invited the Cumbria Amphibian and Reptile Group CARG to set up and run a survey in the grounds of St Paul’s Holme Eden church near Carlisle (CA4 8RF). Members of the local community were taught how to identify frogs, toads, newts and snakes. Following this, a six-week survey was managed by two members of the Eden Wild Goose initiative with the result that a frog and a toad were discovered in the private woodlands. In response EWG Nature decided to dig a small wildlife pond near where the amphibians were seen to work with nature and support biodiversity. The new pond was designed by CARG ready for the work to begin.

In early December 2021 a small team of four from CARG, two from Eden Wild Goose Nature and the local Member Pioneer from the COOP teamed up to complete phase 1 of the project. An area of 3mx3m was cleared to prepare for a pond liner to be set in the ground.

The funding for the project came from COOP Local Community Fund.

Thanks to all… from the amphibians and all the other water loving pondlife.

Graeme Skinner 

PC 1PC 2

For the above projects funding was gratefully received from the ARG UK 100% fund, this was to purchase equipment (refugia, PPE, ground tools) 


EPAS Environmental Protection and Appreciation Society (University of Cumbria Ambleside)

CARG visited students at the Ambleside campus, where we gave a presentation on local native amphibians and reptiles, an insight in to what we do as a group and how volunteering can benefit the conservation students studies. A fun informative talk with games !

Uni 1 

Calendar and cards

Our annual calendar competition was well received with many entries ! A big thank you ARG UK trustees for judging the winning images (not an easy task!)  

This year we also had Christmas cards for sale raising funds for ARG UK. A one off illustration in pen and watercolour from Suzies Artwork 

A further update will be announced on funds raised in due course 


there is still time to purchase via this link which takes you to our online shop CARG Online Shop



 Ashleigh Toomey's (CARG Education Outreach) Dissertation presentation

Well done to Ashleigh on the presenting of her dissertation work on Natterjack toads !


Coming up in 2022

A brief outline of what we have planned for the start of  2022

January /February

Online courses - Identification, ecology, survey techniques for amphibians and reptiles, ARGWEB 

Online conferences - Herpetofauna Workers Meeting - Winter Symposium.  Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre Conference

Toad patrol information and patrols starting 


Practical training for members undertaking online courses 

Surveys start !

Numerous surveys in the following areas 

Ambleside/Windermere/Carlisle/Penrith/Kirkbride/Scottish Borders   

More information for members on the surveys available nearer the time 

Annual General Meeting CARG AGM date and venue to be confirmed 

So a lot of varied projects to get involved with and if you would like to become a member or if you would like more information about the group

Please email 


All the best to our members and followers for the New Year

Best wishes

Suzie Collinson 

CARG Chairperson

ARG UK Trustee 




Summer Update

Posted on Wednesday 15th September, 2021

A busy and productive summer with events, surveys and records of amphibian and reptile sightings.

In June members visited Foulshaw moss. We explored different amphibian and reptile habitats and we got to see the different basking behaviours of Slow worms and Common lizards

FM slow wormsFM Common lizard

We also were invited to take part in Open Farm Sunday held at Susan's Farm Houghton Carlisle where we chatted to visitors about amphibians and reptiles, handed out information leaflets about what we do as a group and we also had games for people to partake in 

SF standSF pin tail


CARG also began supporting the Friends of the Lake District project "Dark Skies Cumbria" Click on link below to find out more about light impact on our amphibians 

Light pollutions impact on our native amphibians


We held a members day at Lakeland Wildlife Oasis - looking at their new reptile enclosures and their excellent conservation breeding programme for endangered frogs 

LWO pondLWO tadpole2

We have also been involved in the release of captive bred Sand lizards (captive bred in the county)

Sand lizards

We also had our yearly report published in  Birds and Wildlife in Cumbria 2020

This is available at Cumbria Bird Group to purchase 

Recordswildlife book

At the start of September we have started working with the community group Eden Wild Goose at St Pauls Church Holme Eden setting up surveys within their burial grounds and also mapping water bodies at Susan's Farm Houghton 

EWG survey 2EWG surveySF ponds

So a busy a summer and thank you to all involved !

We have lots to look forward too!

  • Committee meeting
  • Members meeting
  • New education school workshops
  • Calendar competition 
  • Planning next years surveys !




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Training Courses 

Training courses on identification and survey techniques are available from the following organisations.

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (Field Studies Council)

Training course link

Frog life

Training course link  

Toad Patrol Information



Information and advice  



ID guides from ARC Trust and ARG UK:

Amphibian ID guide

Reptile ID guide


Video Tutorials 

How to record your sightings  How to record your sightings

Membership Membership tutorial

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Upcoming events will be listed here.

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