The website provides:
Well on the way is our Finding Sanctuary Project
Members having been very busy setting up reptile surveys at their local burial grounds and small green spaces - with some fantastic results !
Records have included amphibians and reptiles- in particular Slow worms being present which fantastic news.
This last month has seen us incorporate spotlight surveys to the county. These pinpoint areas in which we have no records present currently. Members can access this through ARGWEB under the spot light button and check out the areas included (we will have a new one each month so covering different areas of the county). Non members can still see the location via our Facebook page and records can be uploaded as a casual record via the website records page and will be included. Currently the area spotlighted is just North east of Carlisle - this area includes Scaleby moss, which has a past history of Adders, Common lizards and amphibians.
So if you live close to the area check it out - we want your sightings!!!!!!
The first week of June has been volunteer week celebrating our dedicated volunteers - committee members and signed up members all giving their time to learning, carrying out surveys and outreach of how fabulous our native amphibians and reptiles are :) We could not do the work we do without them.
We have lots planned including formal and informal walks and talks, survey and training sessions - so keep an eye on this websites events, the Facebook page and emails for more information to come.
If you would like to be more involved why not become a member - only £5 for the year and with this you will have access to events running across the summer.
Click here to email Cumbria ARG
Herp surveys are well on their way !!!!!
Silverdale site: 22 different patrollers (between 2 and 7 out at a time) gave up a total of 32.25 hours of their time over 30 nights to help 329 frogs, 871 toads and 358 newts for a total of 1558 amphibians helped.
Stainton lane site: 3 different patrollers (between 1 and 2 out at a time) gave up a total of 35 hours of their time over 28 nights to help 16 frogs, 446 toads and 1 newt for a total of 463 amphibians helped.
if you've been out patrolling i'd love to hear your stats too
I've also managed to get out and visit 3 other sites this year including one that will hopefully be registered next year. and i've been told about a few more that will need checking out next year.
please remember to send your stats to Froglife and upload them to ARGweb (all sites have a section in the toad patrol area).
finally another reminder to fill out the freshwater habitats spawn survey if you see any spawn
so all that's left is for me to say a massive thank you to all of you for your hard work and dedication to helping our amphibian friends.
A fantastic online conference bringing together numerous recording groups from across the county. We were involve in the conference giving updates on 2020 recording figures and events that had taken place and introduced a list of projects for the forth coming season.
A talk presented by Suzie Collinson on two current monitoring programmes - both looking at identifying individuals within Slow worm and Adder populations. A shorter version of the talk is available here NATS talk
A brilliant range of seminars available from ARG UK click here for link to you tube channel including
We have been able to help local reserves with Adder awareness on their sites with the handing out of informative posters
Our Finding Sanctuary Project is up and running !!!!!
Volunteers exploring and surveying burial grounds and small green spaces local to them (fully supported)
For more information please head to the website tab Projects/Education
We now have a dedicated FB page for those members wishing to help with surveys
If you would like to find out what we are all about and discover what we do as a group and see the exciting projects we have coming up for 2021 - click on the link to view our recorded meeting !
If you would like to view a presentation (slimmed down version) of the Carlisle Natural History Society Talk on Slow worms and Adder identification studies
We would love to see the end product from these activities -so please share your creativity with us on our Facebook page ! Facebook page
So to start with a very big thank you to all of those that were involved in the CARG Calender competition
To Ashleigh (CARG outreach) for putting the project together !
To all the members for their entries, absolutely amazing images !
To the ARG UK trustees for the very difficult job of choosing the winners !
and last but not least to those that purchased a calender - the funds will be used for much needed survey equipment for the forthcoming season.
There is still the opportunity to buy one of these fabulous calenders
ARG UK celebrates those who are passionate about conserving our native reptile & amphibian species. We support reintroductions as a last resort (following relevant legislation & guidance) to restore the former range of species still present or return of an extinct species to its historic native range, such as northern pool frogs.
For ARG UK's full detailed position statement concerning reintroductions, please visit:
A link to ARG UK's Advice Note 12 on Reintroductions is also available there ( as well as a link to a talk from our Autumn Seminar Series on understanding and managing amphibian diseases (
The Fresh water Habitats Trust have launched their annual spawn survey - If you have spotted spawn in your pond or while out exercising (please stay safe and stick to government guidelines) let them know! Go to
ARC coordinate the national monitoring scheme for natterjack toads across the UK. We are currently looking for volunteer recorders in Cumbria to join our team. Find out more:
Hi Everyone. I'm starting to get my head around toad patrols for this year. if you've never heard of toad patrols its basically supporting amphibians on their migration to their breeding ponds by helping them cross busy roads (i.e. stopping them from getting squashed!). the patrols are coordinated across the country by Frog Life (more info here: but each site/crossing is managed individually. the sites need to be registered with Frog Life and all volunteers taking part also need to be registered (for insurance). i have attached the pack produced by Frog Life that has all the info in as well as the volunteer form
I manage two sites, one in South Cumbria and the other just over the border in North Lancashire. managing the sites basically involves coordinating volunteers to make sure as much as possible there is someone out patrolling when the amphibians are moving.
There are a number of patrol sites around Cumbria (these can be found following the link above) but its also possible to get new sites registered. i am in the process of contacting West Cumbria Rivers Trust who manage a couple of sites as well as the managers of the other Cumbria sites. my aim is to have a network set up so we can support each other with advertising for volunteers and with letting each other know when the migration has started
If anyone is interested in finding out more about the patrols (how they work, what you need to do etc), would like to help with mine (yes please!) or has a site in mind that may need one i am more then happy for you to msg me or email me:
I will be posting more info on the Fb page as and when i get it including letting you all know when the migration starts
Many Thanks Matt
We had our first zoom meeting with Project Wild Gambia finding out what they can offer us as a group herp wise in the amazing country of The Gambia !
Previous projects can be found via this link Amphibian and Reptile Research
More info can be found on the dedicated FB page in which further zoom meetings will be advertised, there is also a recording of our first meeting if you wish to watch !
Below is an image I (Suzie) took while in The Gambia of a beautiful Green mamba !
ID guides from ARC Trust and ARG UK:
How to record your sightings How to record your sightings
Membership Membership tutorial
Upcoming events will be listed here.
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