Cumbria ARG
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About Us

Welcome to Cumbria Amphibian and Reptile Group! (CARG)


As a volunteer run group our aims are to promote the conservation of our native reptiles and amphibians here in Cumbria. Improving the knowledge of the distribution of our native species, educate and increase awareness via surveys and practical conservation.

We are looking for members that would be interested in getting involved in local conservation and receiving training, surveying, attending talks and sharing knowledge and experiences.

As a group CARG offer the following opportunities 

We are available and qualified to give

  • ·School talks
  • ·Group presentations
  • ·Field trips

Training days carried out by expert ecologists

  • ·Identification skills
  • ·Species ecology
  • ·Methods of surveying
  • ·To help monitor our native amphibians and reptiles (non-licensed species only)

Social events

  • ·Walks and talks
  • ·Conferences
  • ·Presentations
  • ·Public events
  • ·Fundraising

The annual membership fee is £5  (free for under 16's).

To become a member send an email request to


Bank transfer details will be forwarded to you. 

You will receive a welcome email and login details to ARGWEB - in which the appropriate membership forms and voluntary forms will be required to be filled in for your membership.

As a member, you can be involved in -

Toad Patrols

Become a patrol manager of a registered road or a patroller to help to assist in helping our native common toad to their breeding ponds


Contribute to the collection of data - building a picture of reptile and amphibian distribution within our county

Habitat Management

Practical ground management improving the quality of amphibian and reptile habitats

ARGWEB Management Software

Managing membership/ managing survey direction and reporting/sharing data info to land managers, owners, stakeholders




February 2020

Posted on Saturday 22nd February, 2020

Toad Patrols

For more information on Cumbria Toad Patrols

Become a Patrol Manager

Patrol helper

Have information on a toad crossing


Matt Carr County Coordinator 

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Students from The University of Cumbria raising funds for toad patrols

A group of students from the Ambleside campus are holding a bake sale every two weeks to raise funds for much needed toad patrol equipment ! A big thank you to katherine and friends for all your hard work !

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Herpetofauna Workers Meeting 2020

February 14th to the 16th saw CARG committee members attend this years Herpetofauna Workers Meeting in Southport

A fantastic and informative conference- networking with other ARG UK groups, Ecology consultancies, Researchers and University lecturers -  partaking in practical workshops and listening to presentation talks.

Suzanne Collinson CARG (Chair)  presented her work on slow worm ecology.

We took part in workshops that included "Managing habitats for conflicting species", "ARGWEB - fully integrated solution for ARG management from membership to stakeholders reports" and "Will the more strategic approach taken by District level Licensing projects help improve the conservation status of GCN"

The weekend also included a Gala Dinner with a raffle raising funds for the ARG UK 100% fund.

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CARG Expedition 

Places still available ! See JULY Upcoming Events


January 2020 Toad Patrol Appeal

Posted on Thursday 16th January, 2020

We are appealing for the following:

Volunteers - To help with toad patrols (see 'Cumbria Toad Patrol' in our event section)

Information - We are asking for you to inform us of any unregistered cumbrian toad crossings, especially Carlisle and Penrith area !

Donations - With an increase in voluntary help any local businesses that could help us with the donation of essential toad crossing equipment - Hi vis, buckets and torches - we are keen to hear from you!

Email us:


Toad Carg

   Cumbrian Common Toad (Thompson 2019)

November 2019

Posted on Sunday 24th November, 2019

At the beginning of November we were invited to Lakeland Wildlife Oasis at Milnthorpe.

The visit included a guided informative talk and tour from the reptile and amphibian staff Matt and Sarah (both CARG members) 

We were shown a wide variety of herp species and gained knowlegde on their husbandry requirements, breeding projects and the benefits of the new enclosures installed 

A fantastic day a a very big thank you to all the staff at the Lakeland Wildlife Oasis !

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We welcomed new members to CARG and held a mid year year meeting discussing projects past, present and future 

October 2019

Posted on Wednesday 23rd October, 2019

This week we were in invited to give a talk at the University of Cumbria - Introducing the group, what with have been up to this year, what we have planned and how students can get involved with voluntary work.

pdfCumbria_Amphibian_and_Reptile_Group.pdf    (Presentation slides)


Suzanne Collinson also gave and informative talk to the audience in regards to her dissertation work "Using Identification of Slow Worms (Anguis fragilis) to Investigate Refugia Fidelity"

pdfZoo_society_talk.pdf    (Presentation slides)      Part 1  (Recording of talk to assist slides)      Part 2   (Recording of talk to assist slides)

Coming up in November - End of Season Trip to Lakeland Wildlife Oasis - See November Events !


Mapping Cumbrian Amphibians and Reptiles

Posted on Thursday 26th September, 2019

Over the past couple of months University of Cumbria student Katherine Monaghan (Animal Conservation Science BSc (hons) student) has been working hard on creating a comprehensive map of cumbrian herpetofauna for CARG.

This will help us as a group plan more surveys in the future and we can see if numbers are increasing or decreasing. Putting in to plan conservation measures to maintain or encourage numbers.

Katherine has a passion for Anuran (tailless amphibians - frogs and toads) and is currently helping to collect data for the following PhD study - follow link for more information: 

Scientists are urging the public to help them investigate why the population of toads in the UK is declining.

Katherines is also currently undertaking her dissertation subject titled  "How Temporal and Spatial Factors affect South African Anuran Bioacoustics"

Thank you for all your hard work katherine and keep us up to date with your research !

REMEMBER TO RECORD YOUR SIGHTING - This can be done directly through this web site or you can send records to ourselves at and we will enter the data for you

We cannot make a difference across the county - unless people record their findings !



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Toad Patrols/Disease

Toad Patrols/Disease



Toad patrols are for supporting amphibians and reptiles on their migration to their breeding ponds by helping them cross busy roads (by stopping them getting squashed!)

The patrols are supported by Froglife Toads on the roads but each site is managed individually and sites need to be registered with Froglife and all volunteers taking part need to be registered for insurance purposes 

Find your nearest patrol here link

Contact details for our South Cumbria patrols: Email address for Toad Coordinator Matt

Contact details for Appleby patrol: Email address for Toad coordinator Suzie

Contact for Ambleside patrol: Email address for Toad coordinator







Please find below important information for all outdoor workers or herp enthusiasts about biosecurity. 

An introduction to amphibian and reptiles biosecurity pdfBiosecurity_web_page.pdf

A disease guide for fieldworkers pdfAmphibian_Disease_Precautions_A_Guide_for_UK.pdf

A disease alert to protect wild amphibian and reptile species by reducing disease risk in captive amphibian and reptilespdfReducing_disease_risks.pdf

Disease profiles









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Education Material for Schools and Parents

To record the species you see pdfRecord_Sheet.pdf      

Information posters 

A quick introduction to amphibian and reptiles for primary school children pdfPrimary_School_Amphibians_and_Reptiles_poster.pdf

Adders are Amazing Activities 

Practical activity pdf5_Food_chains_and_webs.pdf

Arts and crafts activity pdf7_Wind_snakes_activity.pdf

Practical activity pdf8_Adder_hunt_quiz_activity.pdf

Arts and crafts activity pdf9_Adder_stone_trails_activity.pdf

Arts and crafts activity pdf13_Adder_nightlights.pdf

Arts and crafts activity pdf15_Adder_amulets.pdf

Arts and crafts activity pdf17_Adder_bookmarks.pdf

Baking activity pdf18_Snake_snacks.pdf

English and literature activity pdf19_Adder_poetry_activity.pdf

Class work

Power point looking at differences between snakes and lizards (emphasis on Slow worms)    pptxReptile_school_talk_slow_worms.pptx

cumberland show 1school reptile talk

Frog and toads

Basic images showing frog metamorphosis pdfFrog_cycle.pdf

A frog mask template to decorate pdfFrog_mask_template.pdf

Detailed Information on Common frogs, Common toads and NatterjackspdfNative_frog_and_toad_posters.pdf

Mix and match game - matching the correct definitions to the correct speciespdfMix_and_Match_Game.pdf

A quick guide to spawn identification pdfARG_UK_Spawn_ID_.pdf

Toad patrol involvement for children and vulnerable people jpgToad_Patrols_for_Children_and_Vulnerable_people.JPG

Amphibian and Reptile Quiz

Identify the correct species by just their eyeball. A tricky but fun quiz! pdfEye_ID_quiz.pdf

Mix and match game - match the correct habitat to the correct species pdfHabitat_Mix_and_Match_.pdf

Note down the correct habitat or habitats for the species. Similar to the mix and match game but with pictures!pdfHabitat_Quiz.pdf

Reptile Activities

Arts and crafts activity pdfSnake_rock_poster_activity_.pdf


ID guides from ARC Trust and ARG UK:

Amphibian ID guide

Reptile ID guide


Video Tutorials 

How to record your sightings  How to record your sightings

Membership Membership tutorial

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