Welcome to Sussex ARG (SxARG) the very first county ARG
Founded way back in the last millenium, Sussex Amphibian and Reptile Group (SxARG) blazed the trail culminating in a detailed atlas of of herpetofauna of Sussex. Early in this millennium the group declined as important founder members moved away from Sussex. In 2009 Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre and Sussex Wildlife Trust put in a major effort to revive the group and a new committee was set up. Since then the group has made progress and is currently managing survey sites at Heyshott (smooth snakes and sand lizards), Kingsley Vale, Knepp (rewilding), Gatwick, Woods Mill in West Sussex and Weir Wood (grass snakes), Rowland Wood, Seaford Head (adders), and Ashdown Forest in East Sussex. We also have members with special interest in marsh frogs, natterjack toads, urban frogs and toads, and pond surveying. We have regular events for members which usually are an opportunity to see the animals on our survey sites.