Northamptonshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (NorthantsARG)
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About Us

Welcome to Northamptonshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (NorthantsARG). We are an independent, volunteer-led amphibian and reptile group covering the county of Northamptonshire, affiliated to our national body Amphibian and Reptile Groups of the UK (ARG UK). Our members are drawn from a range of backgrounds including: enthusiastic amateur naturalists, professional ecologists, professional conservationists, statutory agencies, toad patrollers - and all the folk who enjoy looking at frogs in their garden pond. Everyone is welcome!! In addition to our individual members, we also have close links with a number of local wildlife groups, including: The Back from the Brink 'Roots of Rockingham' Project based at Fineshade Wood, The Friends of Fineshade Wood, Transition Kings Cliffe The Towcester Wildlife Trust Group, National Trust at Canon's Ashby, Forestry England, Natural England, and the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust.

Every year we run a number of training events, for amphibians and reptiles for NorthantsARG members. As well as our own events, we also attend events run by other organisations including the Roots of Rockingham Project. We also conduct amphibian and reptile surveys all over the county.

Everybody has been hugely enthusiastic about record collecting, and we are up-dating our ARGWEB database at a great rate. However, one of our major concerns is still our declining reptile populations across the county, and we welcome any information or sightings of slow-worms, common lizards, grass snakes and adders. If you spot any amphibian or reptile kindly record the details on Record Pool at


Header image: Adder copyright Kevin Clarke



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Roots of Rockingham

Roots of Rockingham

What is the habitat for Roots of Rockingham?

Rockingham Forest covers more than 200 square miles, and has long been part of the natural and cultural heritage of Northamptonshire. It was designated a hunting forest by William the Conqueror back in 1086. Much of the once-vast ancient broad-leaved forest remains, but in separate woodland patches, dotted through the arable landscape. These are wonderful places, where nationally rare plants, bats, birds, reptiles and butterflies can still be found.

Why is this habitat at risk?

Over much of Rockingham Forest, the traditional management that maintained diverse wildlife and a variety of habitats has ceased. The increasingly fragmented woodlands have been badly affected by increasing numbers of deer, which browse and nibble any new seedlings, regrowth and other vegetation.  The nature of the woods is changing too as a result of climate change and nutrient enrichment from atmospheric nitrogen, caused by traffic and agricultural fertilisers.

How we will bring back Rockingham Forest’s species

This Back from the Brink project, led by Butterfly Conservation, will restore and manage a network of woodland sites across the Rockingham Forest area, creating more habitat in which vulnerable species can thrive. We will introduce more diversity in the woodlands, increasing the complexity of the forest structure and creating more open space and habitat niches, such as dead wood. We will involve local people, helping them to get closer to the extraordinary wildlife of the forest, and working with volunteers to manage and monitor it.

Once enough suitable habitat is available, we will reintroduce the Chequered Skipper Butterfly, extinct in England since 1976. We will monitor the effects of all this work, and best practice advice will be disseminated to woodland managers to ensure the forest remains healthy.

What we’re aiming for

By the end of the project, we aim to have restored and managed this network of sites, ensuring the recovery and viability of the forest and the species that depend on it. We also want to see the Chequered Skipper on the wing in England again.

We want everyone to be able to discover and enjoy these precious woodlands and find a way to connect, help and protect the species going forward. Members of the public of all ages are invited to join us to spread the word about our species and discover ways they can promote the conservation of important woodland habitats and species.

Opportunities to survey species are available for experienced and novice volunteers alike. Guided walks and training sessions give people the specialist skills they need to monitor and conserve these species. Friendly networks of highly skilled, expert volunteers support one another and newcomers to the project.

We want people to feel empowered to monitor, protect and share experiences of butterflies including the Chequered Skipper, moths, reptiles like our adders, birds, plants and other wildlife. In addition to survey and habitat management work parties, creative events enable people to explore their connection with nature and to express and share conservation messages in a variety of ways.

The next generation are the woodland stewards of the future, so we want to work with as many schools and educational groups as possible to help young people discover, enjoy and stand up for woodland habitats.

We are delivering school workshops to KS2 primary classes, home education groups of a range of ages. We are also promoting conservation career opportunities to young people and providing specialist project management talks to further and higher education organisations upon request.

How to get involved

Can you help us by getting involved with surveys, or with the management for Rockingham Forest? Find out more at our talks, walks and free events.

If you know of a school or community group that would benefit from connecting with our project, please get in touch. Do you have an idea for a fun, engaging event that could help a new audience connect with nature? we are always keen to hear new ideas!

You can get the latest news, and find out about upcoming events, by following the links below or email

Contact us

Contact Us

NorthantsARG Committee

Our Chair is Alan Butler, and Acting Secretary Angie Julian (

For any queries relating to the Roots of Rockingham Project, based at Fineshade Wood please contact Susannah O'Riordan (


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© Northamptonshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (NorthantsARG)
Website hits: 5769

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