Wiltshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (WARG)
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About Us

Wiltshire ARG has been in existence since 2008 and is made up of a small group of volunteers. We have held a number of public events including amphibian and reptile surveys and juvenile newt identification.

Gemma Harding, who is also the County Recorder for amphibians and reptiles, has responded to many queries from members of the public. We are always looking for new members and ideas, especially for sites where we could setup surveys or group events. People can get involved by emailing us, the address can be found on our ''Contact Us'' page.', '

Facebook Group: Wiltshire Amphibian and Reptile Group: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/group.php?gid=144979152195922



Amphibian and Reptile Atlas for Wiltshire

Posted on Monday 9th October, 2017


Please send in your records via living record or to Wiltshirearg@hotmail.co.uk we want any records old and new of amphibians and reptiles to help us put together an atlas and understand where we are finding animals across the county. So if you see a frog in your garden, a toad on the road or a grass snake in your local river please let us know!

Posted on Tuesday 4th June, 2013
Lower Moor Farm Open Day - Reptile Walk 9th June

Newt Surveys and more....

Posted on Thursday 5th May, 2011
WARG along with Swindon Rangers will be hosting a series of events throughout May and June to set traps to catch newts and sample invertebrates to get an idea of the populations accross some of Swindons best Parks and Woodlands.

9th May Coate Water and broome Manor We will try and trap as many ponds as we can within Coate Water and Broome Manor golf course.  Meeting at 20.00hrs at the Coate Water ranger centre. Contact Tim Kaye on 07786 020872 or email tkaye@swindon.gov.uk

16th May Shaw Forest Park/ Swindon Lagoons/ Rivermead/ Raybrook meadow  Setting traps across the area in the evening and for those able to return emptying the traps the next morning. Meet at 19.00hrs at Shaw Forest park car park. Contact Tim Kaye/ Neil Pullen  on 07786 020872 or email tkaye@swindon.gov.uk

30th May  Stanton Park Following on from last years results we will be trapping in 3-4 ponds and assessing the invertebrate population. Meeting at 20.00hrs at Stanton Park ranger centre. Contact Tim Kaye Ring 07786 020872 or email tkaye@swindon.gov.uk

June 4th and 5th  Lydiard Park  Swindon Bio Blitz - We have been asked to attend and host a small display displaying results.   Lydiard Park  Volunteers required  01793 814768 or neilp@wiltshirewildlife.org

June 22nd  Warnage Wood in Wanborough with the Woodland Trust  Setting newt traps across this new site, returning to empty traps the next morning. A last newt event of the year we shall be going to the pub afterwards  Meet from 19.00hrs onwards    contact Neil Pullen  01793 814768 or neilp@wiltshirewildlife.org

Please come along and get involved and learn about some of Swindons aquatic wildlife. All are welcome and no experience necessary but please get in touch to give us an idea of numbers.

Amphibian Swabbing in Swindon and Warminster

Posted on Monday 18th April, 2011
The Wiltshire ARG will be taking part in the national chytrid fungus swabbing scheme at Abbey Meads Primary school (SN25 4GY) this Thursday 21st April and at Smallbrook Meadow Nature Reserve near Warminster (ST880443 from car park in Smallbrook Rd) on Tuesday 3rd May.

We are aiming to swab at least 30 amphibians and possibly undertake a general amphibian survey, we will be torching for Great Crested Newts at Smallbrook. The events will run from roughly 6pm until 10pm, please come and help for as long as you can. Please contact us for further information and details on how to take part or visit our facebook page.

Look forward to seeing you all there!

Gemma and Ed

Efts ID Session

Posted on Monday 24th January, 2011
In July we held an ID session looking at efts in a Wiltshire Wildlife Trust managed woodland near Swindon. We found great crested newt efts and smooth/palmate efts and we all had a go at identifying the differences. Turnout was good with everyone enthusiastic and with some good ideas for future events. Thanks to Neil Pullen from WWT for his help organising.

We are currently looking into getting some sites up and running in the south of the county, both for reptiles and amphibians. Hopefully this will allow members who cannot make the events we have held in the north of the county to attend.



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Amphibian Swabbing for Chytrid

Thu 21st April, 2011

Amphibian swabbing at Abbey Meads Primary school in Swindon. Please check news section or facebook page for details.

Amphibian swabbing near Warminster

Tue 3rd May, 2011

Amphibian swabbing in Smallbrook Meadow Nature reserve near Warminster. Please check news section or facebook page for details.

Lower Moor Farm Open Day - Reptile Walk

Sun 9th June, 2013

http://www.wiltshirewildlife.org/News/Open-Farm-Sunday-at-Lower-Moor-FarmWilts ARG are organising a walk to look for reptiles as part of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Farm Open day. The event is from 12-4pm and the walk will be 1230pm depending on the weather conditions.

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