Hertfordshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (HertsARG)

About us

About Us

Hertfordshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (HertsARG) was established in 2011 to promote, conserve and study Hertfordshire's native populations of reptiles and amphibians. Since then we have gone from strength to strength and warmly welcome new members whatever their level of knowledge or experience. We have  Whatsapp and Facebook groups.  The group contains several licensed great crested newt workers and we are happy to take questions and queries from the public on these and other species.

The following species are found in Hertfordshire;

Smooth newts (Lissotriton vulgaris)

Great crested newts (Triturus cristatus)

Palmate newts (Lissotriton helvetica)

Common frogs (Rana temporaria)

Common toads (Bufo bufo)

Midwife toads (Alytes obstetricans) *Non-native and generally restricted to St Albans area*

Common/viviparous lizards (Zootoca vivpara)

Wall lizards (Podarcis muralis)

Slow worms (Anguis fragilis)

Grass snake (Natrix helvetica)

There are no reliable records of adders (Viper berus) in Hertfordshire. Despite extensive searching across the county, we have not found any. They are therefore regarded as extinct here, pending proof of any animals being provided.  Any suspected bites or injuries should be taken to hospital  or veterinary surgery. 

Over the coming months we hope there will be news of a number of interesting and valuable conservation and research projects. Should you wish to become involved, or simply to be kept updated of progress, please email your contact details to davewillisbhs@yahoo.co.uk.

If you have any questions or ideas for future work, or know of a site you think may be of interest, let us know!



David Willis - Founder

(Please email for details, upcoming projects and any unwanted animals)


Telephone: 07581121270

Mammal Amphibian and Reptile Atlas (MARA) and Herp record queries;

Dr Chantal Helm or Mr Ian Flack
University of Hertfordshire





HertsARG Whatsapp Group

Posted on Wednesday 8th May, 2019

Many people now use the App "WhatsApp" - a free downloadable resource - in order to keep in touch. HertsARG  now has a group which we use to share dates of upcoming visits and work we are doing. If you would like to be kept abreast and share information/ask questions, please send us your mobile telephone number and we will add this to the group.

Looking to get your Great Crested Newt licence?

Posted on Wednesday 18th October, 2017

Every year we are contacted by people looking to acquire references for their Great Crested Newt Licence. This is not a problem, but we require the following;

  • Undertake surveyor training. We run courses every year which give participants the basic skills required to identify Hertfordshire's resident amphibians and reptiles. Coming along to one of these would be a good start! They are held at Bayfordbury Field Centre and give you the opportunity to ask questions and meet other members.
  • Participation in HertsARG activities for a season. From spring to autumn, we are busy conducting surveys and other conservation work. If you are prepared to come along regularly and get involved in surveying, we will be able to assess your identification skills and, importantly, how well you look after the animals. We are a voluntary organisation and rely on people helping out. Even if you can just give one year of assistance, that would be great - although wee hope you stay longer.
  • Exam. Dr Chantal Helm (university of Hertfordshire) has put together a written exam for the end of the season which gives you a chance to show off your knowledge of all things newt. Pass this, and we will provide a reference.


Any questions about this, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Latest speaker to come to HertsARG

Posted on Sunday 22nd November, 2015

Rob Ward, from Kent University, joined us this week to tell us about his work with the Grass Snakes of Jersey. It was interesting to hear about the amount of survey effort that has gone into collecting his data, invloving many volunteers from the island. Of particular interest was his account of the radio tracking of snakes, which showed just how far some individual animals could travel in a relatively short space of time.

Grass Snakes are Hertfordshire's only snake species, and are totally harmless. They will be a target species for the distribution data being collated, and Rob has offered his help and advice in surveying these and other reptile species over the coming years.



Atlas progress 2015

Posted on Tuesday 1st September, 2015
Under the direction of the Atlas team, headed up by Dr Chantal Helm and Ian Flack of the University of Hertfordshire, we have been busily putting out refugia and checking ponds throughout the survey season. This has yielded dozens of results for amphibians and reptiles and added substantially to our knowledge of the distribution of these species. Please get in touch if you want to get more involved.

Hertfordshire Wildlife Atlas

Posted on Tuesday 24th March, 2015

2015 sees the start of a county wide survey effort, co-ordinated by Hertfordshire Natural History Society (HNHS), the University of Hertfordshire (UH), the Biological Records Centre(BRC)/Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust (HMWT) to update the excellent Atlas of the the county's Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians, published in 2000. Further details can be found here: http://www.hnhs.org/view_news.php?id=102

This is being organised on a Tetrad basis, with people being allocated 2x2km squares across the county, with people being asked to submit data to the BRC. We have already co-ordinated one training day for willing volunteers, which took place in early February, with more planned (see events). If you wish to have further training in reptile and amphibian (herpetological) field techniques, or Mammal ID skills as well as a generally interesting day with like minded people, please come along and get started on your surveying!

The survey will take place over 5 years, and you don't have to restrict yourself to your tetrad when submitting data! Please get involved!




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David Willis - Founder

(Please email for details, upcoming projects and any unwanted animals)


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