Who are we?
We are a friendly, volunteer led group who have a passion for reptiles and amphibians and a willingness to share this passion, knowledge and experience with others.
We are made up of individuals with a variety of backgrounds and interests, from those with a general interest in the natural world to experienced herpetologists, ecologists and conservationists.
What do we hope to achieve?
Here are some of the group’s key aims and objectives:
How do we achieve this?
Nicky Green
The ponds at Chudleigh Knighton Heath have been monitored during the newt breeding season to assess if there are any surviving populations of the great crested newt. The great news is that on each occasion GCN’s were found!
Since April until the end of May, six surveys took place on three ponds that are situated on either side of the Chudleigh Knighton road heading towards Bovey Tracey. There is a pond which has previously been checked for the presence of great crested newts (pond one) and two ponds on the other side of the road situated close to a bridal path (ponds two and three). Surveys included searching for eggs, bottle trapping and torch surveying. Either two or all three methods were done on each occasion. We also tested the pH of the water which did vary slightly between the ponds.
Eggs of the GCN were found in pond one but unfortunately not in high numbers. Over time, the ponds became heavily covered with foliage which made it difficult to conduct egg searching and torch surveys. Palmate newts were found in all three of the ponds but mainly in ponds one and two. It was fantastic to find great crested newts in pond one on each occasion via the bottle traps.
The highest count was on the last survey (31st May) where we found three males and one female. The week before another female was caught which had a distinguished mark which allowed us to identify her without handling. This gave us a total population count of a minimum of five adults.
Since the last survey the ponds will continue to be monitored to establish whether the ponds will dry out completely. During the dry spell in June, the ponds water level had dropped by approximately one meter in pond one and had reduced by 0.75m around the edges of ponds two and three. The pH will also continue to be monitored throughout the summer to see if there are any changes.
Sharon Green
Introduction to Reptile Identification and Surveying
Adder Bites - Helpful Links
Dogs and Adders
Dogs 'n' Adders - Information Leaflet
Snakes in Gardens
Snakes are fascinating creatures and for many, finding one in the garden is a real treat and a memorable experience.
However, for many others this can be a disconcerting and even worrying situation. This can be as a result of misunderstandings often fed by negative and often inaccurate media reports and rumours. Please be assured, though, that there is no reason to worry and that these situations can be resolved fairly easily.
The vast majority of reported snake sightings in gardens turn out to be either a Grass Snake or a Slow worm (a legless lizard which resembles a snake). Both species are harmless and are best left alone.
We only have one venomous snake species, the Adder, which is rarely found in gardens unless your property is situated close to favourable habitat. Even then, the adder is a very shy animal and avoids human activity whenever it can. Again, the best course of action is to leave it alone and allow it to move off when it’s ready. The likelihood is that it is just passing through anyway.
Occasionally, DRAG gets asked about relocating snakes. For all kinds of practical reasons this isn’t something we would do and would actually be the opposite of what our group encourages which is reptile conservation.
The best recommendation we can provide is to learn as much as possible about the reptile you have seen in your garden. We will happily help you identify it and provide related advice such as understanding which features of your garden have likely attracted it in the first place.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch and send a photo or description of the snake to devonrag@hotmail.com or to our Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/DevonARG/.
It would really help if you could record your sighting on Record Pool either using the Devon Reptile and Amphibian Group (DRAG) website (under the 'Record a sighting' tab) or by visiting https://www.recordpool.org.uk.
Please remember that reptiles are protected under UK law.
Devon's Reptiles
In the UK we have 6 native reptile species, each of which can be found in Devon.
To find out more about a particular species click on it's name which will then jump to the relevant information.
Adder Vipera berus
Grass Snake (or Barred Grass Snake) Natrix helvetica
Smooth Snake Coronella austriaca
Slow Worm Anguis fragilis
Viviparous (or Common) Lizard Zootoca vivipara
Sand Lizard Lacerta agilis
Devon's Amphibians
In the UK we have 7 native amphibian species, 6 of which can be found in Devon.
To find out more about a particular species click on it's name which will then jump to the relevant information.
Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus)
Smooth Newt (Lissotriton vulgaris)
Palmate Newt (Lissotriton helveticus)
Common Toad (Bufo bufo)
Natterjack Toad (Epidalea calamita)
Common Frog (Rana temporaria)
For information on the adder please click on the fact sheet link in blue or you can watch the animated video below.
Grass Snake Natrix helvetica
We've all seen them right, often in large numbers early in the year in even the smallest bodies of water ..... but what are tadpoles?
Tadpoles are the larval stage in the life cycle of an amphibian. In the UK the tadpoles we most often encounter will belong to the Common frog (Rana temporaria) or Common toad (Bufo Bufo).
Amphibians go through several stages before reaching their adult form. This incredible process is known as metamorphosis. Below is a video showing in detail how this process takes place.
Why become a member?
Well, big things start in small ways and becoming a member of the Devon Reptile and Amphibian Group (DRAG) is one step you can take towards protecting the reptiles and amphibians in your local area and beyond.
Whether you’re dropping us a line by email, submitting a photo or participating as a volunteer in a reptile or amphibian survey your contribution is valued all the same. Everything we can do to keep the ‘conversation’ going is great for the reptiles and amphibians of Devon.
The more members that join the greater the potential for activity. Put simply, without members we couldn’t do what we do and it would be great to have you join us.
Membership benefits:
Some of the activities that you will be invited to can include talks by local experts, guided walks, bioblitzes and even species identification and survey skills training.
Opportunities for volunteering could include surveying, habitat management or helping out at nature festivals.
Have a voice in what we do.
We value your feedback and encourage it.
For example:
Drop us a line and let us know at devonrag@hotmail.com.
How do I join?
If you would like to become a member please send your request by email to devonrag@hotmail.com.
Answer: Membership is free to join.
Answer: Currently, membership is on a rolling annual basis.
Answer: No. There are no prerequisites, nor is there any minimum level of commitment required.
Answer: Yes. Whilst volunteering makes a big difference to what we do, we totally understand that not everyone’s circumstances allow for it.
Answer: You can cancel your membership at any time by sending your request to devonrag@hotmail.com.
If you want to join DRAG and our email group, or have a general query, please contact a member of DRAG admin:
Please be patient with us, this email address is not checked every day!
Upcoming events will be listed here.
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