Tayside Amphibian and Reptile Group
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About us

About Us

Tayside Amphibian & Reptile Group (TayARG) helping amphibians and reptiles throughout Angus and Perth & Kinross.

TayARG volunteer task copyright D Muir

        Volunteers are always welcome – we need help with regular gullypot checks, pond clearance tasks, setting up exhibitions, etc.

If you would like to get involved, please contact taysideamphibians@yahoo.co.uk



Membership of TayARG is currently free of charge, but we would like to acknowledge everyone’s input.  We have just reprinted our TayARG t-shirt in various sizes. The cost below includes postage and packing:

 T-Shirt with embroidered logo - £12.50 (ask us for the sizes available)


If you would like to buy a t-shirt on the day of a Perfect Ponds volunteer day or the amphibian ladder workshop, the cost will be just £9, but these need to be pre-ordered - please contact Catherine Lloyd at caglloyd@pkc.gov.uk.


 *** Where can we set up our TayARG display banner – or is there a venue that will welcome a TayARG Amphibian Exhibition for a week or two – let us know! ***




Our Ponds for Puddocks project got through to the finals of the Community Initiative at the Nature of Scotland Awards recently

Posted on Tuesday 28th August, 2018

We didn't win an award but it was lovely to get through to the finals of the Community Initiatives at the 2023 Nature of Scotland Awards last night with Catherine of Tayside Biodiversity. It was wonderful to see old friends, meet new ones and learn all about the wonderful projects going on across the country.

Not to mention the delicious bubbly! I had a bit of a headache the following morning.

We have been advised to enter the Innovation Awards next year! So watch this space.......



2019 PREVIEW - David Bell of FARG has very kindly offered free Great Crested Newt survey and ID training at Pitmedden Forest

Posted on Tuesday 28th August, 2018


For more information watch this space or contact: taysideamphibians@yahoo.co.uk



Amphibians in Drains - Surveyors Required

Posted on Monday 5th August, 2013

Recent surveys across Tayside show that large numbers of amphibians fall into and drown in roadside gullypot drains. We need to know where these locations are and need surveyors to help find them.

Can YOU help?

Full training and equipment will be provided

For more information

See www.taysidebiodiversity.co.uk

Email: taysideamphibians@yahoo.co.uk

For film of the Amphibians in Drains project see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j-jQ9hYh3Q&feature=youtu.be




Past Events

Show Upcoming Events

Tayside Amphibian & Reptile Meeting (Tayside) August

Sat 31st August, 2013

Tayside Amphibian & Reptile Group Meeting 

Newhill Primary School

Elm Drive


PH10 6UZ

Join Peter Minting (Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Scotland), Danielle Muir (Perth & Kinross Ranger Service/TayARG) and Catherine Lloyd (Tayside Biodiversity Partnership/TayARG) on the issue of amphibians and drains. Learn how best to help amphibians down gullypot drains including ID, discussions and a practical survey session.

Reserve your place by emailing taysideamphibians@yahoo.co.uk by the 17th August 2013

ARG UK Facebook post of the meeting flyer


Pond Management Day, Murthly

Sun 25th February, 2018

Sunday 25th February (10am to 3pm)- Pond Management Day, Murthly

Our first volunteer day, held to coincide with International Leap Frog Day. Everyone welcome. Refreshments provided; please bring your own packed lunch. Pre-booking essential - contact taysideamphibians@yahoo.co.uk

Tayside Recorders’ Day, Perth Museum

Sat 17th March, 2018

A full day’s programme of presentations on a wide variety of species surveys. A good place for networking. Free, but booking essential as limited places. Book via Eventbrite; queries to caglloyd@pkc.gov.uk 

Scottish Dragonfly Conference, AK Bell Library, York Place, Perth

Sat 14th April, 2018

Guided Reptile Walks to Loch Lee (Angus) approx. 5km total

Thu 10th May, 2018

Guided Reptile Walks to Loch Lee (Angus) approx. 5km total - 10 am start

The Friends of Angus Herpetofauna will be hosting two 4-5 hour guided walks to Loch Lee, Glen Esk to watch/photograph adders and slow-worms. This is an excellent opportunity for those who have never seen an adder in the wild and wish to see and learn more about their ecology and habits.

Places will be limited so booking is essential. Contact Trevor Rose on 07778 830192, or email secretary@thebhs.org.

Amphibians in Drains Training Session, Blairgowrie Community Campus

Sat 19th May, 2018

Saturday, 19th May (10.30am to 3.30pm)

As part of our Community SuDS Pond Project, kindly funded by the Angus Environment Trust, we need your help to make up ladder kits for new gullypots. The kits are now much easier to make and we have specific places for them! Free event, but pre-booking essential. Refreshments (and cakes) available. Please bring your own packed lunch. Book: EDillon@pkc.gov.uk or via Eventbrite.

Guided Reptile Walks to Loch Lee (Angus)

Sun 20th May, 2018

Sunday 20th May (10am start)

The second of two guided walks led by Friends of Angus Herpetofauna to Loch Lee, Glen Esk.  See 6th May details. Please book as soon as possible.

Perfect Ponds Day, Craighall (10am start)

Sat 29th September, 2018

Saturday 29th September

 As we wind our pilot project down (Community SuDS Pond Project) we welcome as many people as possible to clear the pond of weeds and plant wildflowers. Refreshments provided; please bring your own packed lunch. Pre-booking essential.  Contact Daniele taysideamphibians@yahoo.co.uk  

Perfect Ponds Day, Elm Drive, Blairgowrie (10am start)

Sat 13th October, 2018

Saturday 13th October

Please come along to plant wetland wildflowers and help clear the pond of weeds. Everyone welcome. Refreshments provided; please bring your own packed lunch. Pre-booking essential via taysideamphibians@yahoo.co.uk  

Gullypot Survey Training and Amphibian Ladders Workshop, Murthly Lesser Village Hall (Perth Road, Murthly, PH1 4HF)

Sat 3rd November, 2018

Amphibian ladder making workshop copyright CAG Lloyd compressedSaturday, 3rd November (10am to 3pm)  

A second chance to help make up ladder kits for new gullypots and to go outside to see a demonstration and practice gullypot surveying. Refreshments provided; please bring your own packed lunch. Free event, but pre-booking essential via Daniele at taysideamphibians@yahoo.co.uk

Contact us

Contact Us

Volunteers are always welcome – we need help with regular gullypot checks, pond clearance tasks, setting up exhibitions, etc.

If you would like to get involved, please contact taysideamphibians@yahoo.co.uk


Keep in touch via Facebook or Website





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