Cornwall Reptile & Amphibian Group
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About Us

CRAG - Cornwall Reptile & Amphibian Group

CRAG aims to increase awareness and action on behalf of Cornwall's reptiles (snakes and lizards) and amphibians (frogs, toads and newts)
Its activities include

  • Outings and meetings to develop members knowledge of the species found in the county
  • Participation in survey work
  • Practical conservation tasks
  • We also have social activities and get togethers with other specialist wildlife groups.

The group is open to anyone who would like to be involved with amphibian and reptile conservation in Cornwall.

A small annual subscription of £5.00 is payable by all Members, except students who can currently become a member for £1. New members are welcome to apply to join at any time. Click the Membership tab for full details.

CRAG is affiliated to the Amphibian & Reptile Groups of UK.

Please record all sightings of reptiles and amphibians seen in and around Cornwall - that includes non-natives such as terrapins. The easiest way to do this is to click on the 'Record a sighting' tab above and fill out the form. Although we love watching these animals from a safe distance, sadly not everyone appreciates them so please remember never to share exact locations on social media.



CRAG Photography Competition 2021 Winner

Posted on Wednesday 12th January, 2022

Hey folks!

We thought that the winners of the Cornwall Reptile and Amphibian photography competition of 2021 should have their individual post. 

We spoke with Laura (@laulovesnature ) about her winning shot!


How did you hear about the CRAG photography competition 2021?

I heard about the CRAG photography competition on Instagram as I follow the group 🙂


What interests you about our native reptiles and amphibians?

I grew up in Cornwall and have always been fascinated by nature. I remember looking for amphibians and reptiles as a child, searching under stones and logs in the hope of finding frogs, toads or slow worms!  I've worked in the field of ecology for the past 16 years and have carried out numerous reptile surveys through my job. I'm always on the lookout, even more so since I developed a keen interest in macro photography during lockdown and discovered a population of Common Lizards in the Cornish hedges close to home. I spend a lot of time wandering up and down trying to spot them hidden amongst the vegetation! 


What were your thoughts when taking your photo?

This picture is one of the Common Lizards that lives in the hedges close to home. When taking the picture, my main thought was trying not to scare it off! 


How do you feel about  winning?

I'm really delighted to have won the adult category. So often you only get a fleeting glimpse of Common Lizards so it's lovely to showcase this wonderful creature.

 Laura no.1 reduced

Photo credit- Laura Snell (IG:laulovesnature)

CRAG Photography Competition 2021

Posted on Thursday 20th May, 2021

Have you taken photos of native reptiles and amphibians? Why not enter the CRAG photo competition? Prizes will be awarded to the best!


  1. Children (aged 11 years and under)
  2. Young adult (aged 12-17 years)
  3. Adult (aged 18 and over)


  1. Photographs to have been taken within the last 2 years and not entered into any other competitions.
  2. All entries will be used by CRAG for social media, website, and publicity materials.
  3. No handling! We want to see our reptiles and amphibians in their natural habitats.
  4. No location information! We aim to protect animals from disturbance.
  5. Entries will only be accepted via email as attachments to Please state which category you are entering.
  6. Closing date November 1st. Any entries after this date will not be included in the judging process.

CRAG Talks

Posted on Sunday 21st February, 2021

CRAG are hosting a series of monthly talks via Zoom. You can book your free space via Eventbrite to watch live, or catch up with past talks on YouTube here:

CRAG members receive email updates when a new talk is coming up. You can also check our Events tab, or CRAG's Eventbrite group here:

Winners of the CRAG Photography Competition 2020

Posted on Saturday 6th February, 2021

Thank you to everyone who entered such beautiful photos into the CRAG photography competition 2020. You may have seen the winners images already. All winners received a year's free membership to CRAG. Winners of the adult class also received a copy of Howard Inns Britain's Reptiles and Amphibians and our children's class winner received ARG UK's Adders are Amazing Activity Pack along with the complete collection of the Frog and Toad books. Our judging panel had a difficult task choosing the winners and it was very close. We look forward to launching the 2021 competition in the coming months.


Huge congratulations to our winners: -

Jasper Wicks - Winner of the children's class

1 Jasper Wicks under 11

Laura Snell - Winner of the over 18's class

Lizard on a Log by Laura Snell

Ellie Smart - Runner up in the over 18's class

 Toadlet by Ellie Smart

Well done to everyone who entered. Keep an eye out for your photos on our social media pages over the coming months.

CRAG's First Photography Competition

Posted on Wednesday 12th August, 2020

We are very excited to announce our very first photography competition!

No matter what your age or photography experience, we want to see your photographs of Cornwall's amazing reptiles and amphibians! We even have prizes for the best shots!

If interested make sure to check the rules of the competition on the poster. The competition is open till the 1st November, so you have plenty of time to get that shot!

Happy herping!

Click here for rules of the competition



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Membership: Only £5 per year! 

A small annual subscription of £5.00 is payable by all members, except students who can join for just £1 upon proof of studentship by using their student email. Subscribe online using PayPal below.

New members are welcome to apply to join at any time. Members are eligible to join us on surveys, trips, take part in regular monitoring, practical conservation tasks and attend our social events. For insurance purposes you must be a member to take part in activities organised by CRAG.


Payment options



Contact us

Contact Us

For general enquiries please contact: 


If you have any questions about reptiles or amphibians please contact our Science Officer below.


CRAG is always looking for new volunteers to help with habitat management and species monitoring. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch.




Acting Chair - Ethan Henderson -

Science Officer - Stephen Green -

Amphibian Champion -  Alice Pawlik -

Treasurer - Mark Nicholson

Secretary - Ethan Henderson -

Social Media Officer - Ethan Henderson -

Volunteer Coordinator - Emily Menear

Data Officer - Becky Turner

Web Officer - Laura Fox


Upcoming Events

Upcoming events will be listed here.

© Cornwall Reptile & Amphibian Group
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