Cornwall Reptile & Amphibian Group
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About Us

CRAG - Cornwall Reptile & Amphibian Group

CRAG aims to increase awareness and action on behalf of Cornwall's reptiles (snakes and lizards) and amphibians (frogs, toads and newts)
Its activities include

  • Outings and meetings to develop members knowledge of the species found in the county
  • Participation in survey work
  • Practical conservation tasks
  • We also have social activities and get togethers with other specialist wildlife groups.

The group is open to anyone who would like to be involved with amphibian and reptile conservation in Cornwall.

A small annual subscription of £5.00 is payable by all Members, except students who can currently become a member for £1. New members are welcome to apply to join at any time. Click the Membership tab for full details.

CRAG is affiliated to the Amphibian & Reptile Groups of UK.

Please record all sightings of reptiles and amphibians seen in and around Cornwall - that includes non-natives such as terrapins. The easiest way to do this is to click on the 'Record a sighting' tab above and fill out the form. Although we love watching these animals from a safe distance, sadly not everyone appreciates them so please remember never to share exact locations on social media.



Cornish sand lizards get a helping hand

Posted on Wednesday 29th February, 2012
Cornwall's sand lizard colony has been given a helping hand by the group's volunteers. Overgrown vegetation was cut back to provide suitable habitat for the sand lizards in North Cornwall Coast.

20 volunteers were called upon to help throughout February. The important work will enable the lizards to find suitable environments away from the madding crowds of the public.

Further surveys are planned at the site so please do contact CRAG for more details. 



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Membership: Only £5 per year! 

A small annual subscription of £5.00 is payable by all members, except students who can join for just £1 upon proof of studentship by using their student email. Subscribe online using PayPal below.

New members are welcome to apply to join at any time. Members are eligible to join us on surveys, trips, take part in regular monitoring, practical conservation tasks and attend our social events. For insurance purposes you must be a member to take part in activities organised by CRAG.


Payment options



Contact us

Contact Us

For general enquiries please contact: 


If you have any questions about reptiles or amphibians please contact our Science Officer below.


CRAG is always looking for new volunteers to help with habitat management and species monitoring. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch.




Acting Chair - Ethan Henderson -

Science Officer - Stephen Green -

Amphibian Champion -  Alice Pawlik -

Treasurer - Mark Nicholson

Secretary - Ethan Henderson -

Social Media Officer - Ethan Henderson -

Volunteer Coordinator - Emily Menear

Data Officer - Becky Turner

Web Officer - Laura Fox


Upcoming Events

Upcoming events will be listed here.

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