North Merseyside Amphibian and Reptile Group

About us

About Us

NMARG was formed in 2005 and is a group of about 70 members who are mostly involved with the conservation and monitoring of the reptiles and amphibians found in the area, especially the rarest two species, the Merseyside Race Sand Lizard and the Natterjack Toad.

During the Winter months, we undertake habitat management work, sometimes in partnership with other ARG groups, Natural England staff and volunteers and the Sefton Council Coast and Countryside Ranger Service. This vital work involves the clearance of unwanted scrub and trees, especially Sea Buckthorn, a highly invasive alien shrub on the Sefton Coast, which would otherwise shade out the precious Sand Lizard and Natterjack habitat. In the Spring, NMARG members also help to create and maintain the patches of bare sand essential for Sand Lizard egg laying.

During the Spring and Summer months we spend a large amount of time recording and monitoring the local reptile and amphibian species, especially the rarer species. NMARG's EPS licensed members also help to provide training in reptile and amphibian surveying.

Anyone wishing to get involved, seeking advice or supplying records are very welcome. Please contact Mike Brown at




New NMARG website

Posted on Sunday 7th January, 2024

NMARG members now have the benefit of a new website, based on ARGWEB, which gives more details of events, surveys etc. However, this website will still be kept updated of current and future events, for now.

NMARG volunteer habitat management tasks Winter 2023-2024

Posted on Sunday 19th November, 2023

Now that Winter is virtually upon us, NMARG is drawing up our usual schedule of regular volunteer habitat management tasks on the Sefton Coast dunes, for the benefit of our indigenous reptile and amphibian species, especially the rarer ones, the Sand Lizard and Natterjack Toad. These tasks involve the clearance of invasive scrub and small trees, and will be held mostly on alternate Tuesdays and Sundays. The Tuesday tasks will generally involve working alongside the Green Sefton Rangers, who will be clearing larger trees and having a fire, weather permitting, to dispose of all the brash we create.

Anyone wishing to participate in these volunteer tasks is very welcome to join NMARG  (if you havn't already), and help out with the work. For further details, please contact Mike Brown on 

The Events section will be updated regularly through the Winter with details of individual tasks.



Past Events

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next habitat management task

Sun 5th March, 2017

NMARG's next habitat management task is on Sunday, March 5th, again on the Sefton Coast. Although the exact venue is yet to be decided, we will be probably be clearing relatively small and less spiky scrub regrowth and suckers this time, from important Sand Lizard areas which are being overtaken by invasive growth of poplar, etc. Anyone interested in joining us, please contact Mike on


Reptile and Amphibian Survey Training

Sat 6th May, 2017

NMARG are running another reptile and amphibian survey training event in conjunction with the Lancahire Wildlife Trust Biodiverse Society Project on Saturday, May 5th, in the afternoon and evening, at Ainsdale. This year, we are combining the reptile and amphibian training into one event, which will include a classroom session (at Ainsdale Discovery Centre) and a search of the surrounding area for amphibians and reptiles (weather permitting). Times are not finalised yet, but anyone interested in attending, please contact Mike Brown on

The event will probably culminate in a Natterjack walk at dusk, again weather permitting.

Sand Patch digging on Sunday

Sun 28th May, 2017

Our next habitat management task is on Sunday, 28th May, when we will be renovating sand patches at Ainsdale for Merseyside Sand Lizards to lay their eggs in. Anyone interested in joining us, please contact Mike Brown at


Lizard monitoring on the Sefton Coast

Sun 10th September, 2017

NMARG is organising a lizard monitoring morning on the Sefton Coast on Sunday, September 10th., when we will be looking particularly for hatchling sand lizards and juvenile common lizards, born this year. This is a good measure of breeding success in what has been quite a mixed Summer for weather. Anyone interested in joining us, please email Mike Brown on

This event will only take place in suitable weather conditions, as lizards don't like wet and windy weather!


Buckthorn Bashing Day

Sun 26th November, 2017

NMARG's first volunteer habitat management task of the current Winter will be on Sunday, November 26, on the Sefton Coast, when we will be tackling an area of Sea Buckthorn scrub which is invading valuable Sand Lizard and Natterjack habitat at Ainsdale. The work will involve cutting down, dragging off and burning this highly invasive spiky shrub and is vitally important for the continued survival of the Merseyside Race Sand Lizard and the maintenance of suitable terrestrial habitat for Natterjacks. This task will be undertaken in conjunction with ARC's Gems in the Dunes project and the Sefton Council Ranger Service. Anyone interested in helping out, please contact Mike Brown by email at for further details.

Next scub clearance event

Sun 17th December, 2017

NMARG's next volunteer scrub clearance day on the Sefton Coast is on Sunday, December 17th. For more details, please contact Mike Brown on


First Habitat Management Task of the New Year

Sun 7th January, 2018

Our first habitat management task of the New Year will be on Sunday, January 7th. This will be another session of scrub and tree removal on an area of vital importance for Sand Lizards and Natterjack Toads on the Sefton Coast. This task will be held jointly with Friends of the Sefton Coast volunteers and meeting at 10am at the Ainsdale Discovery Centre. For further details, please email Mike Brown on

Further habitat management tasks will be held on the following dates:

Sunday, January 21st

Sunday, January 28th

Sunday, February 18th

sunday, March 11th


next habitat management task

Sun 21st January, 2018

NMARG's next volunteer habitat management task is on Sunday, January 21st, when we will be tackling another area of invasive scrub on the Sefton Coast, in order to improve the habitat for Merseyside Sand Lizards. For further details, please email Mike Brown on


Next 'Buckthorn Bashing' task

Sun 28th January, 2018

NMARG's next volunteer habitat management task is on Sunday, 28th January, when we will be clearing more Sea Buckthorn from prime Sand Lizard habitat on the Sefton Coast. If you would like to join our group and help with this vitally important conservation work, please contact Mike Brown by email on


Next 'Buckthorn Bashing' task

Sun 18th February, 2018

Our next scrub control task is taking place on 18th February, when we will be clearing Sea Buckthorn and Poplar regrowth for the benefit of the Merseyside race Sand Lizard on the Sefton Coast. For further details, please contact Mike Brown, by email, on


Contact us

Contact Us

Mike Brown (chair)


Upcoming Events

Upcoming events will be listed here.

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