Hampshire And Isle of Wight Amphibian and Reptile Group (HIWARG)
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About us

About Us

Hampshire is fortunate that the county covers a huge geographic area and a very diverse breadth of habitat including: the Isle of Wight, the New Forest National Park, the South Downs National Park, as well as many other unspoiled areas, including Woolmer Forest.
It is therefore unsurprising that we are host to 12 out of the 13 native amphibians and reptiles in UK, including rarities such as the Natterjack Toad, Sand Lizard and Smooth Snake, and wherever you live in the county there will be opportunities to survey and monitor an assemblage of amphibian and reptile species.

HIWARG formed in the Autumn of 2018 and is an affiliated independent ARG-UK group. The group focus is conservation of native UK species essentially around habitat management, surveying, public engagement, volunteer training & doing as much as possible to understand & protect the native species in the county.
All members are volunteers with a common interest.

If you have some spare time and would like to be involved with HIWARG, maybe you have taken a photo of a reptile or amphibian and would like it identified or maybe you have some other query, then please do get in contact  info@hiwarg.org.uk 



Visit HIWARG's Redbubble Shop to support our work www.redbubble.com/people/HIWARG/shop



Toad patrollers wanted! Bramley area

Posted on Monday 11th February, 2019

We have a Toad Crossing in this area at which activity levels are increasing. There is an existing small Toad Patrol active but in need of additional assistance.
Calling on HIWARG members interested in taking part to contact me for further details.
Please ensure you have completed your Volunteer Workers Agreement for insurance purposes.


First Hampshire spawn of 2019 found

Posted on Friday 18th January, 2019

First frog spawn of 2019 found in the New Forest 17 Jan 2019 at exactly the same spot as the first spawn of 2018 (one day later this year).
Find & photo by Paul Edgar.

Please be sure to log any spawn sightings. Every record matters.

New Forest habitat management event - 15 Jan

Posted on Tuesday 15th January, 2019

Photo's from the day uploaded onto our Facebook group.


Toad Patrol assistance required. New Forest area.

Posted on Sunday 13th January, 2019

Please see "Gorley Rd Toad patrol" under events.

Volunteer activities preparation -

Posted on Wednesday 9th January, 2019

We have a number of volunteer activities due to start in the coming month and I'll be providing details soon on the Facebook Group, but we have noticed that many members have not yet completed their online Volunteer Agreement, nor set up their volunteer preferences.
Without this we don't know who to alert to the various oportunities.
If you are a subscribed member, please be sure to log into the Member Portal & complete your Volunteer Preferences & your Volunteer Agreement by clicking on the "My HIWARG Account" icon.
This is also important to ensure you are covered under the ARG-UK umbrella when taking part in HIWARG activities.

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Join up or Log In

          Members sign in here

Membership costs just £6.00 per year as a subscription that can be cancelled at any time. 
Your membership will help HIWARG to protect the amphibians & reptile of Hampshire. 
Be aware of and take part in conservation opportunities, surveys and many other activities across the county.


Click here to go directly to PayPal to subscribe as a member:

Donate to HIWARG

Donate to HIWARG

You can help HIWARG achieve its goals by a simple donation towards our activities.
Donations are put towards equipment used for habitat management, surveys and public engagement such as printed material and fact sheets to hand out during educational events.




Info & ID guides

Info & ID guides

Identification Guides

Amphibian Identification - downloadable colour cards : a great ID guide from ARG UK/ARC 

Newt Eggs & Larvae - downloadable colour cards  : an excerpt from the above guide, specifically on newt eggs and larvae

Its a small newt but which one : a HIWARG guide to help differentiate smooth newts and palmate newts

Reptile Identification - downloadable colour cards : a great ID guide from ARG UK/ARC 

Non-Native Species ID Sheets (NNSS Website) : ID sheets from the Non Native Species Secretariat

Alien Amphibian and Reptile Species in the UK : A bilingual guide (English/Welsh) from ARC


Projects & Citizen Science

#BigGreenFrogHunt: Southern Clade Pool Frogs calling A YouTube video of southern clade pool frogs calling in North Hampshire

#BigGreenFrogHunt: Marsh frogs calling

DARN's 'Slow Worms in Churchyards' project

'Amphibians & Reptiles on Allotments' Introduction Leaflet

"Spawn Spotters" presentation 12 Jan 2021

Toad Patrol presentation 12 Jan 2021

Gotta love a larva  presentation 9 July 2021

HIWARG Video: Spawn Spotters and Toad Patrols Jan 2021

HIWARG Video: Amphibian surveys: ID'S & Survey Methods March 2021


Habitat Management and Creation

pdfReptile Habitat Management Handbook

pdfAmphibian Habitat Management Handbook

Creating Garden Ponds - downloadable booklet   

Creating Ponds for Amphibians and Reptiles (Freshwater Habitats Trust)

Guide to the Restoration, Creation and Management of Ponds (Freshwater Habitats Trust)

Habitat Management guides (Buglife) - Not specifically herp based but a great set of guides

How to Create Invertebrate and Reptile Mounds (Magnificent Meadows)

Creating Grass Snake Egg-laying Heaps (ARG UK and RAVON)


Advice and Information

ARC's "Dogs and Adders" Advice Sheet

"There is a Snake in my Garden - What can I do?" (ARG UK)


Policies/Health & Safety                                                              

HIWARG Safeguarding Policy and Protocols June 2020

Buddy System/Lone Working Procedures

ARG UK Generic Risk Assessment July2020


Herp Diseases - Recognise & Report


Advice Note-4: Amphibian disease precautions - a guide for UK fieldworkers

Snake Fungal Disease  

Toad fly (Lucilia bufonivora)   

Amphibian Chytridiomycosis  

Ranavirus Disease  

Reptile Slough Genebank - collection & submission of found sloughs 

Garden Wildlife Health - Severe Perkinsea Infection (SPI)

GWH - Guidelines for safe disposal of waste water and other materials from captive amphibian enclosures



Fixing Enkamat to Gully Pots - Initial Findings in Sussex

Useful glossary of terms often used within the herpetological field. (Credit due - unknown)      

Kids stuff - Educational items for the young ones

            Pond pack                                         Animal fact sheets                               Animal colouring sheets    
Pond Pack                     Alfie1                             Sammy1




Contact us

Contact Us

If you would like more information about HIWARG or have something to share with us, please get in touch via the link to our social media presence. 


© Hampshire And Isle of Wight Amphibian and Reptile Group (HIWARG)
Website hits: 48234

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