ARGL exists to promote the conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Lancashire and Greater Manchester and we do this in a variety of ways. We’re always happy to work with other groups that share our general objectives, so if you’re part of another organisation and feel that we could work in partnership please get in touch.
There’s always lots more ARGL could do, but we achieve as much as we can with the resources available. If you’re able to help organise events please contact us.
In 2010 ARGSL launched the Lancashire Amphibian and Reptile Atlas project (LARA).LARA holds over 5000 records covering Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside.If you would like to request a data search for amphibian or reptile records in Lancashire, Greater Manchester or Merseyside, please follow this link and submit your data search request to LARA.
This ARG was established in 2004 and known as ARGSL (The Amphibian and Reptile Group of South Lancashire) until 2017. The name change to ARGL was made to more accurately reflect the recording area of the group. Much of the publicity material produced by ARGSL is still relevant today, so we've included it in our downloads section. We haven't gone through an expensive re-branding exercise so you'll find many references to ARGSL remain throughout this website.
We have four habitat management task days planned for spring 2025:
The work is physically demanding, but satisfying in equal measure! If you'd like to something positive and practical to benefit amphibian populations these events are for you. When details of each event are confirmed they'll be added to the Events page.
If you can attend please let us know by e-mailing so that we can plan accordingly.
This task will involve the removal of trees and scrub to allow more light to the pond edges; brash will be stacked to form dead hedges.
Where: If you can attend please contact for further details.
Time: 10am. (Tasks usually last until mid afternoon.)
What to bring: Lunch, plenty of water, waterproofs and strong footwear or wellies (definitely no trainers). Please wear old clothes and bring a pair of work gloves if you have them.
Little Woolden Moss is one of a network of mossland sites owned by Lancashire Wildlife Trust (LWT). ARGL volunteers will team up with those from LWT at this event to remove scrub from the developing mossland, allowing the development of a varied habitat of benefit to reptiles. ARGL volunteers will be surveying this (and other mosses) during 2024, so this an opportunity to become familiar with this habitat.
Where: If you can attend please contact for further details.
Time: 10am. (Tasks usually last until mid afternoon.)
What to bring: Lunch, plenty of water, waterproofs and strong footwear or wellies (definitely no trainers). Please wear old clothes and bring a pair of work gloves if you have them.
We have four habitat management task days planned for spring 2025:
The work is physically demanding, but satisfying in equal measure! If you'd like to something positive and practical to benefit amphibian populations these events are for you. When details of each event are confirmed they'll be added to the Events page.
If you can attend please let us know by e-mailing so that we can plan accordingly.
Becoming a member of ARGL is a great way to help us, and to develop your knowledge and skills too. The annual membership fee for ARGL is £6.00. Membership entitles people to:
Even if you don’t join in with our activities, simply being a member demonstrates your support and this helps us to promote the case for amphibian and reptile conservation. Membership subscriptions are used carefully by the group and for essential expenses and to support practical conservation work.
To join ARGL please complete both forms below and e-mail them to us at argsl*
Please pay your £6 membership fee by BACS. Details are:
Amphibian & Rptl Grp of S/Lancs T/A ARGSL
The Co-op Bank
Sort code: 089299
Account number 65172737
Under “payment reference” please enter your name so we know it’s your membership payment that’s been received.
ARG UK has produced a generic risk assessment and all volunteers are advised to read this carefully before taking part in activities:
The group was known as ARGSL from 2004-2017, but the name change was made to more accurately reflect the recording area of the group. The group bank account retains the name of ARGSL.
To help us find out more about garden ponds as habitats for amphibians, please take part in the What's in Your Pond? project. If you don't have a pond of your own, why not take a look at a garden pond belonging to a friend or relative? All records will be incorporated into the Lancashire Amphibian and Reptile Atlas project.
One of ARGL’s main objectives is to collect data on the distribution of amphibians and reptiles. Our main project is the Lancashire Amphibian and Reptile Atlas Project (LARA). To find out more, please go to the project’s website:
Find out more about what we have been doing to conserve amphibian and reptiles in Lancashire in our annual ARGL Reviews:
The best way to contact ARGL is by e-mail to David Orchard (chair of ARGL)
We’ll do our best to respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible but please be patient as we’re all volunteers and our time is limited. Thankyou!
ARGSL is a voluntary group and is run by a committee of dedicated people. New members are always welcome!
Chair: Dr David Orchard
Treasurer: Lorna Bousfield
Records Database Manager: Dr. Lee Brady
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