Derbyshire Amphibian and Reptile Group
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About Us

Welcome to Derbyshire Amphibian and Reptile Group we cover the whole of Derbyshire including part of the Peak District National Park.

Our group aims to promote the study and conservation of the amphibians and reptiles of Derbyshire and their habitats. We achieve this by:

  • raising awareness of the ecology and conservation needs of Derbyshire's amphibians and reptiles
  • undertaking practical conservation projects
  • running approximately 20 Toads on Road patrols at locations across the county every spring during the toad migration season
  • carrying out regular reptile surveys and amphibian surveys
  • organising amphibian and reptile training sessions for members and the public
  • providing advice and information and answering queries for the public
  • developing recording, monitoring and research intitatives
  • providing a forum for those interested in amphibians and reptiles
  • working in partnership with other relevant organisations

We hope our website will help you to find the information you are looking for, but if you still have a query, please contact us and we will do our best to help.

Derbyshire ARG always welcome new members to the group, please email us on to join. There is a membership subscription of £5 per year, though that is reviewed at every AGM..

We are very grateful for any records of amphibians and reptiles in your local area that you can pass to us as it helps in mapping the distribution of species and protecting their known habitats. Either contact us directly or use the Record a sighting tab on this website.

The group is run by a committee which is elected at the AGM each year. For 2024 - 2025 the committee elected at the AGM on 13th January 2024 are:

Chair - Kelvin Lawrence, Vice Chair - Christian Murray-Leslie, Secretary - Chris Monk, Treasurer - Jayne Thompson
Committee members - Garry Dorrell, Richard Fenn Griffin, Chris Hallam, James Longley, Sheila Stubbs and Ben Wyke

Kelvin Lawrence is also the Derbyshire Toad Crossings Co-ordinator for the Group & for Froglife

See a previous newsletters here







Derbyshire ARG data policy





Stanage & North Lees lizard surveys

Posted on Friday 25th October, 2024

At the 2024 Stanage Forum open meeting in October we reported the findings from our surveys on the estate. Only just over 50% of the surveys went ahead with the others being cancelled due to poor weather (rain, overcast conditions, hill fog and extreme heat) 2 surveys went ahead but the forecast sunshine never made an appearance, whilst just one survey in October 2024 had suitable weather but no lizards were seen. Having divided up the large estate into 11 zones where we thought lizards would be present we have now confirmed that they are present in every zone area. Further surveys will be undertaken in 2025 to examine some of teh areas in more detail.

Stanage Survey Zones Map 2023

Stanage statisics

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Rewilding success at British Mountaineering Council owned Horseshoe Quarry

Posted on Saturday 15th June, 2024

After Derbyshire ARG did surveys this year at Horseshoe Quarry the BMC have published the attached article

Horseshoe Quarry, also known as Furness Quarry, is a large, disused limestone quarry in Stoney Middleton, Peak District with a long history of climbing and owned by the BMC since 2005. Almost three decades on, rewilding at the site has already been fantastically successful, with hundreds of newts and toad tadpoles spotted in the pond this spring.

20240502 Horseshoe Quarry pond   Horseshoe Quarry pond (left)    Toad tadpoles just hatched in 2024 (right)  20240502 Toad tadpoles in pond

A short history of Horseshoe Quarry

Although climbers snuck in anyway, there was originally no CROW access to Horseshoe Quarry. So, in 2005 the BMC purchased an 8.5ha area of the site to secure access to walkers, climbers and cavers in perpetuity. Alongside this, a local management group was created to care for the area and promote local botanical and ecological interests, because the land lies within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

Over the years there has been a great deal of rewilding work at Horseshoe Quarry including footpath improvement, the creation of a wildlife pond, ecological surveys, woodland management and control of invasive species. So much so that this former quarry has become a highly reputable recreational and environmental asset. 

In 2007 the Vision Project funded the creation of a wildlife pond to the south of the quarry floor, which is now teaming with wildlife, as Chris Monk, secretary of the Derbyshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (ARG) discovered this spring. 

Rewilding: latest update

Chris Monk, secretary of the Derbyshire Amphibian and Reptile Group shares the good news.

What were the amphibian and reptile counts like before this restoration work?
Initially there was no pond in the quarry but a small area of shallow water that collected on the quarry floor and was used by amphibians. However these pools dried up in summer most years so the amphibian tadpoles would die. I was asked By the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) staff in May 2006 to survey the quarry and other ponds in the area for their Vision Project. This revealed just over 30 smooth newts, some frogspawn and toad spawn strings in the shallow pools.

How has the site improved for amphibians and reptiles?
The PDNPA asked Henry Folkard [award-winning BMC Peak District volunteer and tireless access campaigner] whether they could include the quarry in their new Proliferating Ponds in the Peak funding bid to have a completely new pond constructed. The funding bid was successful and work to build the pond started in spring 2007. It was built close to the pools on the quarry floor so that the amphibians could easily find it and a survey in 2008 found smooth newts in the new pond with none in the shallow pools.

Over the years the amphibian population based around the pond has grown as there is now no risk of summer desiccation of the tadpoles. Also the pond has been colonised by great crested newts, so the pond is now used by all four amphibian species that are found across the White Peak.

What will you do with the survey information you collected?
The survey results are passed to the BMC and PDNPA, so that such a good amphibian population, especially with the presence of the legally protected great crested newt, is on record and is taken into account when considering management of the site.

How can BMC members and climbers using Horseshoe Quarry help maintain this improvement in wildlife?
By taking care when at the site to not disturb the boulders and rock piles in the old quarry as that could result in hiding amphibians being crushed or buried. Also by not introducing any plants or animals into the pond. Thank you. 

Anything else to mention?
Little is known about reptiles in the area - a single grass snake was seen in the quarry in 2009 by Henry Folkard, but they range quite widely so it was probably just assessing the location. Slow-worms and common lizards could be present in or near the quarry but they are often difficult to spot. If anyone sees a reptile then please report it to the BMC and the PDNPA ecologists.  

The initial pond work was funded by Derbyshire Aggregates Levy Grant Scheme (DALGS), which also funded the woodland walkway and link to the PROW down the Dale to the east. The recent pond renovation was funded via FiPL (Farming in Protected Landscapes).

The May 2024 survey of the pond by the Derbyshire Amphibian & Reptile Group counted 241 smooth newts, 14 great crested newts and thousands of toad tadpoles. The disused quarry is obviously an ideal location for amphibians with a good pond for breeding and excellent terrestrial habitat with its loose rock piles providing a mass of resting and hibernating locations for them.



2023 Surveys and Events

Posted on Friday 22nd September, 2023

The Group's outdoor programme has now finished for this year, though we are attending one more indoor event in November and hope to set up an indoor members meeting & AGM in January or February..

The pond surveys carried out in the Peak District in the north of the county and in the National Forest in the south of the county were sucessful in involving a large number of members. They resulted in updated and new records of all 5 species of amphibians native to the county (common frog, common toad, smooth newt, palmate newt and great crested newt).The findings were reported to the landowners, Peak District National Park Authority, farmers and detailed site survey reports were done for the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, the National Forest Company, the Woodland Trust and the Rosliston Forestry Centre (run by South Derbyshire District Council and Forestry England).

Members and local residents/volunteers participated in the toad crossing patrols at many sites across the county and adder emergence surveys were carried out in the Peak District as happens every year.

Reptile surveys were carried out at our two cover object survey sites at Hassop and at Linacre with sightings of common lizard, slow-worm and grass snake. Initially this year looked as though it would continue the run of cancellations due to bad weather for the Stanage visual surveys at North Lees after a run of 5 cancellations starting last year and again this spring & early summer.  Eventually in August & early September we had better luck and actually managed to get out, survey and find lots of common lizards, including the first records from one of the moorland sites. We hope to get SSSI permissions for installing some cover object arrays next year in areas away from public pressure in the hope of finding some of the elusive snakes reported up there and for evidence of slow-worms. Meetings and advice were given to the National Trust about surveys and habitat works that could be undertaken on one of their sites that has an important grass snake population.

Our stall and display were taken to two public events this year, we were invited to the Friends of Pleasley Pit's Wildlife Day at the Pleasley Pit Country Park in May and in mid September we again attended the annual Derbyshire Woodland Festival at Elvaston Castle Country Park, The latter managed to avoid the rain, which turned up just after it closed on the second day and we spoke to numerous people about our native reptiles and amphibians and took many records of casual sightings people had made in their garden or out in the countryside.

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Our stand at the Woodland Festival

Nature and Species Recovery in Derbyshire

Posted on Sunday 12th February, 2023

Derbyshire ARG was invited to a couple of meetings in January & February dealing with those issues

Firstly there was a seminar organised by Natural England to seek information on possible species recovery or re-introduction in the county for their upcoming grant scheme for projects.

Unfortunately there are no amphibian or reptile species that could be re-introduced into the county as the geology and weather means that the county is not suitable for any of the native species that are not already present (Smooth snake, Sand Lizard, Natterjack Toad or Pool Frog). Although we would like to see species recovery particularly to extend the adder population in the Peak District there is not enough information on how to successfully carry this out at present and certainly not within the short timescale for the grant scheme.

Last Friday 10th February the ARG Chair and Secretary attended the first Bolsover Local Nature Recovery Summit meeting at the Bolsover District Council Offices. The Council and the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust had produced an Action Plan for Nature Recovery across the District. It was attended by a large number of representatives of wildlife groups, parish councils and community groups who also took part in workshop sessions across 3 themes.

Our suggestions of following up on the several registered toad crossings across the District as we do not know of any volunteer groups covering the crossings or of other unregistered sites. We also supported the creation and survey of more ponds across the District and suggested we hoped to re-establish a grass snake egg laying heap at one site where a former wildlife group had built them in the past and they were used by the snakes.

Linacre reservoirs reptile survey

Posted on Friday 16th September, 2022

At the request of Severn-Trent Water's ranger in March 2022 we gave a presentation on reptile surveying to his volunteer party As occasional sightings of grass snakes have been made around the reservoirs we laid out a mixture of cover objects. In early September we organised a reptile survey field trip to check on the survey cover objects and 4 grass snakes were found at two locations. It is planned to continue the survey next year in spring 2023.

20220910 Large adult grass snake

Large adult grass snake with it's head down a hole

20220910 Habitat pilejpg

Habitat pile created by S-T Water ranger & his volunteers cutting back dense stands of Rosebay willowherb and stacking the arisings. These will be good for grass snakes.



Past Events

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PondNet Amphibian Survey training

Sun 9th April, 2017

Freshwater Habitats Trust will be holding an amphibian training session in Derby to recruit volunteers to go and carry out the PondNet Common Toad & Frog survey on their own self-selected ponds in Derbyshire. If you have a favourite pond and you would like to get to know the amphibians that live there then sign up today for FREE Amphibian ID Training.

The training course will be run by Anne Heathcote, FHT Project Officer for Northern England

The course is on Sunday 9th April 2017 at Sinfin Moor Local Nature Reserve in Derby, places are limited so for further details and to book a place contact the Project Officer at

Great Crested Newt Survey Training Course

Sat 13th May, 2017 - Sun 14th May, 2017

Training course open to everyone. This will be held at a venue near Derby starting with an indoor session on Saturday morning on GCN Ecology, Survey Methods and Biosecurity. An afternoon field session will be held at a nearby great crested newt site to undertake survey techniques including netting, egg search and water sampling for GCN eDNA determination, followed by setting bottle traps. A Saturday evening torchlight survey will be held on site followed by a final session on Sunday morning to examine the bottle trap catch.

Course fees are £5.00 for Derbyshire ARG members (as at 1 January 2017); £25.00 for other attendees.

For more details and to book a place email us at

Newt Survey

Wed 17th May, 2017

Evening torch-light survey at locations to be confirmed (sites within a few miles of Matlock)

Contact for details

GCN eDNA sampling and bottle trapping survey

Sat 20th May, 2017

Location: In the Peak National Park approximately half way between Buxton and Ashbourne

Time: 2.30pm to 5.00pm

We will be undertaking a visit to carry out eDNA water sampling for Freshwater Habitats Trust's PondNet Project in a large field pond in the projects random sample square in the Peak District north of Hartington that we first visited for them last year. Apart from taking the water sample, this will include completing the project's environmental assessment form for the pond and carrying out their Clean Water for Wildlife test for nitrate & phosphate levels in the pond water.

This will be followed by setting bottle traps for the first survey since 1985 of a farm field pond a few miles away near Newhaven, where a single great crested newt was recorded in 1985. The traps will be checked on Sunday morning though attendance then is not compulsory.

For more details, including locations and meeting places email us at

Torchlight newt survey

Tue 23rd May, 2017

Evening torch-light survey at 2 sites at Cromford (a few miles south of Matlock) for annual monitoring of smooth & great crested newts

Contact for details

Torchlight newt survey

Tue 30th May, 2017

Evening torch-light survey at a site on the edge of the Hope Valley between Castleton and Bradwell for annual monitoring of palmate & smooth newts

Contact for details

Reptile survey near Hassop in the Peak Park

Sat 26th August, 2017

Morning visit at 9am subject to reasonable weather to a field survey site where we have had a variety of reptile survey cover objects out since the surveys commenced in 2015 near Hassop. Duration approx 2 hours. The surveys are assisting the Peak National Park Authority with the management of the area. Common lizard and slow-worms have been found there in previous years.

Please email the secretary at to book a place and find out details about meeting place. NOTE that this is a very steep site and you have to climb over a stock fence (with barbed wire) to access the two plots, so you need to be fit and agile to attend.

Reptile Survey near Cromford

Sat 9th September, 2017

Morning visit subject to reasonable weather to a field survey site near Cromford where we have had a variety of reptile survey cover objects out for a couple of years. The surveys are assisting the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust with the management of the area. Grass snakes and slow-worms have been found there in previous years. 9.30am start, duration approximately 2 hours.

Please email the secretary at to book a place and find out details about meeting place.

Derbyshire Woodland Festival

Sat 23rd September, 2017 - Sun 24th September, 2017

Once again Derbyshire ARG will have a stand at this popular weekend show organised by the County Council's Countryside Service at the wonderful Elvaston Castle Country Park just outside Derby. Come along and visit us, tell us about your sightings of amphibians and reptiles, learn more about them, colour in the ARGUK colouring sheets (for children of all ages). Entry free but car parking charge applies but using the poster voucher on our photo gallery you can get £1 off the parking charge. Open from 10am to 4pm both days

GCN Habitat work party

Sun 5th November, 2017

Work party to carry out various habitat management at Hilton Gravel Pits nature reseve including pond clearance of Typha, removing willow saplings and cutting back/felling trees and vegetation clearance. From 9.30 to 14.30, bonfire, sorry no fireworks but jacket potates provided instead. Meet at Willowpit Lane entrance, task leader Kelvin Lawrence. Let us know if you are coming to make sure enough potatoes are provided.

Group Membership

Group Membership

Derbyshire ARG will be introducing an annual membership fee in 2025.

It is planned to come into affect in the spring at a rate of £5.00

Further details to follow.

Contact us

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Email us or post on Twitter (X)

For Toad Crossings and to contact our Derbyshire Toad Crossings Co-ordinator please email

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