Derbyshire Amphibian and Reptile Group
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About Us

Welcome to Derbyshire Amphibian and Reptile Group we cover the whole of Derbyshire including part of the Peak District National Park.

Our group aims to promote the study and conservation of the amphibians and reptiles of Derbyshire and their habitats. We achieve this by:

  • raising awareness of the ecology and conservation needs of Derbyshire's amphibians and reptiles
  • undertaking practical conservation projects
  • running approximately 20 Toads on Road patrols at locations across the county every spring during the toad migration season
  • carrying out regular reptile surveys and amphibian surveys
  • organising amphibian and reptile training sessions for members and the public
  • providing advice and information and answering queries for the public
  • developing recording, monitoring and research intitatives
  • providing a forum for those interested in amphibians and reptiles
  • working in partnership with other relevant organisations

We hope our website will help you to find the information you are looking for, but if you still have a query, please contact us and we will do our best to help.

Derbyshire ARG always welcome new members to the group, please email us on to join. There is a membership subscription of £5 per year, though that is reviewed at every AGM..

We are very grateful for any records of amphibians and reptiles in your local area that you can pass to us as it helps in mapping the distribution of species and protecting their known habitats. Either contact us directly or use the Record a sighting tab on this website.

The group is run by a committee which is elected at the AGM each year. For 2024 - 2025 the committee elected at the AGM on 13th January 2024 are:

Chair - Kelvin Lawrence, Vice Chair - Christian Murray-Leslie, Secretary - Chris Monk, Treasurer - Jayne Thompson
Committee members - Garry Dorrell, Richard Fenn Griffin, Chris Hallam, James Longley, Sheila Stubbs and Ben Wyke

Kelvin Lawrence is also the Derbyshire Toad Crossings Co-ordinator for the Group & for Froglife

See a previous newsletters here







Derbyshire ARG data policy





Results of our 2022 Peak District & north Derbyshire pond surveys

Posted on Friday 16th September, 2022

Thank you to the members who helped with
these surveys this spring. 16 members helped
out on one or more surveys and in total 67 ponds
were surveyed, mostly by torchlight, 4 by bottle
trapping and at 2 water samples were taken for
testing for great crested newts by environmental
DNA as part of the Freshwater Habitats Trust’s
PondNet survey now in its 8th year. The results
from the eDNA are not yet available but for the
other 65 ponds great crested newts were found
in 36 ponds.

2022 03 08 walled concrete dewpond

Walled concrete dewpond, torch light survey showed great crested and smooth newts present


20220514 GCN eDNA water sampling

Water sampling for Freshwater Habitats Trust's PondNet GCN eDNA project


PondNet GCN eDNA survey

Posted on Friday 22nd April, 2022

Again in 2022 we will be helping Freshwater Habitats Trust with their long running Great Crested Newt eDNA survey that they set up in 2015 with a series of randomly selected locations across England. Since 2016 Derbyshire ARG has been sampling a field pond near Hartington in the Peak District National Park every year and we will be visiting there again this May. This pond has a low population of great crested newts and has returned a mixture of positive and negative tests over the years suggesting that in some years the newts are absent from the pond. Since 2020 we have also taken on doing the other Derbyshire site at North Wingfield south of Chesterfield. This is a fishing pond that was created during the landscaping following open casting and removal of local collieries. Due to the presence of large numbers of fish this pond has always tested negative for great crested newts but we will still be taking samples there in May.

Photo of the 2021 sampling near Hartington


2021 06 09 PondNet Pilsbury E3gegx4X

Derbyshire ARG Members meeting Survey Report and AGM

Posted on Sunday 21st November, 2021

This meeting was held on-line on 10th November 2021, the last AGM having been held in February 2020 just before the first Covid lockdown.

Topics included a summary of the reptile and the amphibian surveys carried out in 2021 and the proposals for the surveys to be organised in 2022 (see attached meeting report).

There was a discussion reviewing the 2021 Toad Crossing Season, which had been a mixed result across the county with some sites having very low numbers and others matching the numbers seen in previous years.

The Chair gave a presentation on the monitoring scheme that has been set up on the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust's Willington Wetlands nature reserve, a former gravel extraction site. The multi-species monitoring is being carried out to assess how the site changes over the years and the impact of beavers on the flora and fauna. Evidence of presence on site of great crested and smooth newts, common frog and common toad was found on the visits and the Wildlife Trust have just released the beavers into the reserve recently just before our meeting.

At the AGM three members joined the committee and the existing officers were re-elected.


New Facebook site

Posted on Thursday 7th October, 2021

Today we have launced our new Facebook site to replace the previous with new administrators so hopefully it will remain up to date with what we are

Stanage and North Lees Reptile Survey

Posted on Sunday 26th September, 2021

Planning for next spring's reptile survey of the North Lees & Stanage estate for the Stanage Forum is proceeding with the first of two walkovers to decide routes for transects and possible cover object surveys completed today. In addition we have some records from a DARG member who went for a family walk in August and spotted more lizards in that than the total number of recorded sightings in the last twenty years as put on RecordPool, iRecord & NBN Atlas. There is the possibility that there may be a very small adder population still present based on the very occasional sightings by members of the public over the last 15 years. We hope to get permission to put cover objects out to see if we can find any slow-worms on the area.

Four juvenile and three adult lizards were spotted today by the team of 6 DARG surveyors after the sun came out and the wind had eased. An initial assessment of possible routes off the main paths where drawn up by the Chair & Secretary. Although a busy area with many walkers, rock climbers and mountain bike riders off the path here may ring ouzels & other ground nesting birds of conservation concern so final routes will need to be agreed with the Peak Park ecologists. It is planned to use ARGWEB for the recording of the surveys. We just hope now that there will be sufficient snow and wind over winter to flatten significant areas of the waist high bracken fronds from this year so that visibility for the surveys next spring is improved, before the bracken regrows in late spring.

P20210926 12.49 Lizard on wall



Show Past Events

Pond management working parties

Fri 1st November, 2024 - Sat 22nd February, 2025

We will be running a series of working parties this winter to carry out further work on a site in the Peak District. The works are detailed in the management plan for the land-owner that was compiled by ecologists in 2022. There are three more days planned on Fridays 31st January, 7th  and 14th February

We are also helping out with pond renovation at the Rosliston Forestry Centre in South Derbyshire  The next joint working party there will be on Saturday 22nd February

If you are interested in helping at either site then let us know.

Training courses

Tue 1st April, 2025 - Wed 30th April, 2025

Planning is underway to organise training courses next April for members of the ARG, Further details will be announced nearer the time

National Forest pond walk

Sun 13th April, 2025 - Sun 13th April, 2025

This year's pond and amphibian event for the public, organised in conjunction with Groundwork, was held at the New Lount Local Nature Reserve in Leicestershire.. It was combined with a bottle trapping survey organised by Group members and the event was a great success with people seeing a whole range of species that had been caught. 

It was agreed that we would do another similar public eventy next April and will be at the National Forest's Feanedock Wood site at Moira quite close to teh National Forest's Conkers site.

Further details about the event including booking information will be made nearer the time

PondNet GCN eDNA sampling

Thu 24th April, 2025 - Wed 14th May, 2025

We will be taking the water samples at Pilsbury in the Peak District and Wolfie Pond in North East Derbyshire for the Freshwater Habitats Trust's Great Crested Newt eDNA project which will be in its 11th year. We have been assisting by taking the samples for the past 10 years.

Daytime event, we will be fixing two dates nearer the time, please contact us if you are interested in coming along or helping.

Pleasley Pit Wildlife Day 2025

Sun 25th May, 2025 - Sun 25th May, 2025

We will be attending this free event at Pleasley Pit Country Park so do come along

It is organised by the Pleasley Pit Nature Study Group which celebrates its 25th anniversary at the site

Group Membership

Group Membership

Derbyshire ARG will be introducing an annual membership fee in 2025.

It is planned to come into affect in the spring at a rate of £5.00

Further details to follow.

Contact us

Contact Us

Email us or post on Twitter (X)

For Toad Crossings and to contact our Derbyshire Toad Crossings Co-ordinator please email

Upcoming Events

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