FARG was first set up in 2011. We seek to promote reptile and amphibian conservation throughout the Fylde and aim to improve the knowledge of the distribution of our native Herpetofauna, educate the public and increase the awareness of the challenges faced by this group of animals.
FARG is committed to achieving these aims through surveys and undertaking practical conservation projects, working closely with the North Blackpool Pond Trail (NBPT) and Blackpool Environmental Team's (BEAT) Naturewatch group as well as our neighbouring ARGs.
We observe, record and enjoy the Amphibians and Reptiles of the Fylde area of western Lancashire, from Preston northwards to Glasson Dock just south of Lancaster, westwards towards Pilling and along the coast to Fleetwood, Blackpool, Lytham St Anne's and Freckleton.
The area is notable for its large number of farm ponds, Lancashire's largest natural lake, Marton Mere, two of Lancashire's main rivers as well as remnant coastal dune systems and a small area of original mossland.
If you would like to join the group and participate in activities then please get in touch via the Contact Us page.
We need your help to record the Fylde's amphibians and reptiles, for example from your garden pond or local area. Did you know we have more records of the rare and endangered Great Crested Newt than we do of Frogs and Toads - go to the Contact Us page for details.
Contact Flyde ARG via their blog
FARG supports the Lancashire Amphibian and Reptile Atlas - LARA
To record your sightings of amphibians and reptiles in the Fylde please go to our sister organisation's on-line recording site http://www.argsl.org.uk/index.php?option=com_rsform&Itemid=16
Please note that our emails aren't read every day so please bear with us.
Upcoming events will be listed here.
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